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Everything posted by Redhornet919

  1. As for Fregat i think it should have reaction wheels but not an actual probe core so it cant be used as an actual probe by itself.
  2. Am I the only one who thinks that Proton needs to be re balanced price wise????? As much as i love Proton, the LV that I use for all interplanetary missions is almost 30,000 less made with stock parts.....
  3. With the new Update The Fairing Adapters are exploding on the launch pad for me.... Anyone else????
  4. Im having a problem with this bug and i dont think it is from any mods but what happens is if i try to go to a ship from the tracking station that is orbit around the sun about 50% of the time the screen goes black. the nav ball is still there but it is black as well. when i go back to the space center the screen is black also. if i restart the game the ship that i tried to go to is not there anymore.... Does anyone else have this problem????
  5. could you add support for modded docking ports??? i have Non-Androgynous Docking Ports installed and the craft wont dock to the station...
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