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Everything posted by Redhornet919

  1. One (or possibly more) of your part is causing the center of mass bug. I cant quite figure out which one yet but i am trying to narrow it down. right now i know that it is one of the atlas 1 parts.
  2. [quote name='Beale']A truss that you can put Kerbals inside. [URL]http://puu.sh/lofsv/dae8c1989c.jpg[/URL] I really admire the "airlock greeble" in the Stockalike Station Parts Expansion, though not to outright steal that design - I may add something similar, maybe a mechanical lever, etc. [URL]http://puu.sh/lofw4/708545c983.jpg[/URL] Edit: More conventional door design. [URL]http://puu.sh/lofOP/a4c3995e2c.jpg[/URL] Working with micro-textures is very fun. [COLOR=#FFFFFF]I haven't had a contiguous nights sleep for two months now, can you tell?[/COLOR] [URL]http://puu.sh/lofYO/edeac22ce6.jpg[/URL][/QUOTE] PRETTY!!!!! (I'm drooling a little bit:wink:)
  3. [quote name='pTrevTrevs']Yeah, I would like to see this too. In fact, I've already asked him about it, but at the time he didn't want to move the hatch because it would limit the usefulness of the capsule (you wouldn't be able to put stuff on top of it and still have Kerbals EVA, so landers would be harder to build)[/QUOTE] Now we could just go through the orbital module... Edit: OHHHHH!!!!! Yeah landers would be harder....
  4. [quote name='lextacy']Id like to report a bug , there is no IVA in the Vostok capsule. At first I thought my kerbal was missing , but he is really inside because when you recover craft it shows crew member recovered. But the lower right hand IVE/EVA kerbal photo is missing due to no IVA being provided. Now im using 1.0.4 , I dont know if you fixed this issue for 1.0.5.[/QUOTE] its not a bug because not all pods have IVA's. A lot of tantares crewed parts don't have them right now. it doesn't actually affect anything in game though as you can EVA from the hatch of you can transfer crew to a part with IVA and eva from the bottom corner. (if that makes sense)
  5. Random Question.... its not really a problem if its intentionally temporary but are th fuji textures supposed to be blurry???
  6. Do your parts share textures????
  7. May i suggest the Stiletto (X-3) when you get around to working on this mod???
  8. it never got updated to 1.0 but im pretty sure there are configs out there for it
  9. Oh and i forgot that it sunk with the new buoyancy system so i would check all capsules...
  10. deorbiting from a 150x175 orbit.. As far as add-ons I dont think i have any that affect heat unless there is something is StockBugFixMods. the others are mostly part packs
  11. The vostok capsule keeps blowing up.... Idk if that helps in your bug fixing but yeah...
  12. Why DMmagic???? it has no parts that could possibly help this challenge...
  13. How does it work in-game????? (i know how real pulse-jets work i just want to know if your ksp version has any differences from the regular jets)
  14. When you do remake it a 1.875 meter engine would be nice as we have no upper stage engines in that size currently...
  15. Fuji is the name of the real life concept ( it was dropped by JAXA in mid to late 2000's)
  16. Does anyone have a Tantares config???
  17. when you have a ksp bookmarks folder and it has 42 pages in it which are all forum pages...
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