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Everything posted by Zeroignite

  1. Now try a circular orbit at that altitude ;P
  2. 'Gimbal range' would be an excellent candidate for a tweakable once those are implemented. That way, you can tone down the control response for shorter stacks.
  3. Ok, these probes are awesome. One thing I\'d like is small radial pods that I can bolt stuff on at fun angles, sort of conceptually similar to C7 hard points. That way you can point instruments in different directions and do fun things with latticed crossbeams.
  4. Sorry, ship is now deprecated (read: lost) due to KSP updates.
  5. How about a small atmospheric reentry package, along the lines of the Galileo atmospheric probe?
  6. Escape velocity from Kerbin is pretty easy. In 0.11, the farthest I let thing run was ~800GM on an 11m/s escape course. Kerbol is invisible at that distance. Haven\'t tried a Kerbol escape now that it\'s an actual gravitational body.
  7. There are lots and lots of threads on this already. Check existing threads before launching a new one.
  8. KSP 0.12 x3, HarvesteR responding to a request.
  9. I didn\'t pinpoint the exact location, but it was a highland a bit southeast of one of the big mare. The mare in question is the one just north of the equator on the leading side of the Mun, slightly kerbin-facing. I passed other about-as-high peaks as well at different points on the orbit.
  10. Are the masses balanced for Silisko Edition or KSP Mainline?
  11. Orbital limbo is a fun game. I got a circular orbit pretty consistently with both apses pretty consistently between 660 and 580 meters. Seeing the ground rush under me that fast is scary. I made it about 3/4 of an orbit before I found a 600m high mountain 8)
  12. This is a good release. I\'ll need to do another couple of iterations over my rocket and see what happens... they\'re getting suspiciously small.
  13. Indeed. I\'m almost tempted to maths it out... though I\'d be impressed if I get enough precision to do it without dying. It\'s also the optimum approach if you\'re avoiding incoming anti-aircraft fire.
  14. I use one LFT for Munar capture and descent, then jettison it a few hundred meters above the surface.
  15. Agree. I use Silisko Edition to see how refined and efficient I can get a given design. Working with strict limits is fun.EDIT: for what it\'s worth, below is my favorite Mun rocket, Maxwell. It uses one of the small RCS linear tanks and seven of the radial ones. Typically the first linear RCS tanks is just slightly more than drained by the time I jettison the stage it\'s on. Actually, I could almost certainly remove a couple of the middle-stage radial tanks. It\'s just barely enough fuel to land on the Mun and return. Previous design iterations had more spare delta-v, but once I realized it was spare, I trimmed down the design. A successful mission requires careful flying to not waste fuel. That\'s the way I like it.
  16. This is truth. My favorite Mun rocket is relatively tiny compared to some of the monsters I see people flying about with.
  17. That\'s twice now KSP crashed on me while trying to return from the Mun > :\'( :\'( At least I know now that I can probably still do it with Silisko Edition v 0.6 after he increased the small engine\'s burn rate.
  18. Oh dear. My Mun rocket might still be able to make it back but I\'ll need to really hone my piloting skills...
  19. Ok, then, tell me what it\'s making fuel out of? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservation_of_mass
  20. They seem wonderfully balanced for it to me.EDIT: the rocket I used to get there (and presumably back, KSP crashed on me)
  21. Attempt 4: Got just a bit ahead of the Mun on the transfer, was able to burn retrograde enough for capture, then inserted into a 50km circular Munar orbit. I picked one of the biggest mare/craters, did a plane change to intercept, waited until I was over, then killed almost all of my orbital velocity. Turns out the new Orbital camera mode is great! Everything\'s looking good. This time I\'ve set firm velocity targets for a given approach altitude, to try not to slam uncontrollably into the surface. Seems to be working well as I descend. RCS is almost enough to give me a TWR of >1 all by itself. At about 50m above the surface I realized I\'d left the flight computer in orbital mode. No wonder I had strange horizontal velocity! (Turns out it\'s about 10m/s worth of surface velocity on the Mun). Fortunately I had a quick throttle finger and was able to do an Aldrin-esque re-approach. Landed! Time to head home! Looks like there\'s plenty of fuel in the tanks to get back to Kerbin, especially if I aerobrake from a free-return. Everything\'s looking good and I get on a nice return trajectory... and then KSP crashes > > :\'( (program went unresponsive I think as I left the Mun\'s sphere of influence while on rails) I am not a happy spacemonaut, but I think I\'ve got mun landing technique down now.
  22. Attempt 1: Screwed up my Kerbin orbital insertion, decided to abort and retry. Attempt 2: Realized after making my Hohman burn that the Mun orbits east, not west. Aborted. Attempt 3: Boosted into Hohman trajectory without incident. Thought I\'d miss the Mun, and ended up changing my orbital plane due to navball confusion. Managed to wrestle myself into Munar orbit and get on a descent trajectory. I thought everything was going well until I realized about 5km up that I had badly misjudged my altitude/descent rate due to a much more sharply curved horizon. Ended up lithobraking hard.
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