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Everything posted by Zeroignite

  1. I just want to say that I love the ambiance this mod adds, and squeed really hard when I realized it contained the Icarus I distress signal as one of the beeps.
  2. OK, re: attaching fuel lines to a launchpad: I did a lot of ground experimentation, and it doesn't seem there's a way to do it for resources to transfer properly. I ended up putting the HL pad on top of the flat rockomax fuel tank, which when supported by 6 SQUID legs should be plenty stable for Minmus gravity EDIT: is there a way to check whether the auger is working correctly (I grabbed the patch a few pages back) without actually getting to somewhere with ore? (Alternately, can you spawn ore with the debug console?) Flying this rig out and then having it not work would be unfun.
  3. Hrm. Care to provide a full explaination of the sequence (including grab/drop/place/detach order), and maybe write it up as a tutorial? That would be <3
  4. Ah, that... I thought I had done that. The RocketParts truck and the launchpad were attached via one of the docking port "other end" KAS parts, and behaved like one vessel. Hrm. Might have to test again.
  5. Can I get some guidance on how to use KAS to transfer fuel into the launchpad? I'd like to leave the pad just sitting on the ground rather than having it rest on some shakey support structure. Some tests lasts night showed that I was unable to transfer rocketparts into the launchpad after using one of the plugs to connect a rocketparts truck to the pad --- alt-rightclicking just brought up the pad menu. Additionally, the pad menu was unable to see resources available to the truck.
  6. I like to use Standard docking ports for space stations, since often I'll find myself later designing a vehicle to dock with it and I don't want to restrict myself to 2m modules/launches.
  7. So if we spawn rockets on the portable pad, it's a good idea to have a colony of kerbals nearby and make sure they can get into the rocket?
  8. Is it possible to turn off the map grid appearing on Kerbin from the main menu? Also, is there documentation on how the color definitions in the config work? Right now with the grid on terrain is basically impossible to see.
  9. You sure that much kethane is actually needed?
  10. That reminds me, I still need to make a kerbal launcher using mainsails pointed the wrong end towards space...
  11. I'm just sad I never got a chance to see Dildo Kerman in my own save before they added a "bad name filter" to the generator.
  12. Thanks for posting the hilo.dat --- mine doesn't seem to have been auto-updating, and this saves me from having to guess at new elevations
  13. I really, really don't like it when programs put stuff in unexpected places. Especially when things come as a standalone folder w/ executable, like KSP does when direct-downloaded.
  14. I have the version linked in the first post of this thread. Having used mapsat before (including for significant data collection), I know to put a dish or gps on the craft. No other mod is covering the button.
  15. I'm running a completely fresh install of both KSP and Mapsat for 0.21, and the button doesn't even show up for me.
  16. When I click on the "open menu" context button for the launchpad (either the EL one or Hooligan's), nothing happens. Has 0.21 broken this mod?
  17. Someday I wanna send down a kerbal attached to a KAS tether. Moho is such a pain in the ass to get to though
  18. Any higher than 12km and performance drops drastically. You can 'hop' higher, or cruise higher if you have a ton of engine and can go way fast. My preferred cruising altitude is 10km-11km.
  19. Huh, 30km is my usual target periapsis for one-pass capture. Seems to work for anything near escape velocity.
  20. Caught a nice alignment while on ascent from a Mun landing.
  21. ASAS is pretty much unusable on any of my rockets, but I have had cases where the gimbal range was overpowering for short stacks under manual control.
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