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Everything posted by Zeroignite

  1. Two more thoughts on the next version: 1) you included you .gitignore in the DL, which is a little silly. 2) the impact tolerance on the decals is set to 1, so they're basically tissue paper. I don't think it should be very high (7 is a good number), but having it that low doesn't play nice with the G-effects from Deadly Reentry. It's nice to slap a huge flag on my rockomax tanks and feel like my rocket is actually mine
  2. Look at your post, then look at my sig....sorry, it's just annoying that everyone here assumes everyone is a guy.
  3. So that's what my problem is! My Minmus base modules are all wheeled into place, and half the time it won't let me quicksave, thinking I'm "about to crash". I wonder if sending up a shipment of KAS anchors would work, so I don't need to do a full redesign.
  4. Reentry heat currently isn't modeled. You might be interested in the Deadly Reentry mod.
  5. Awesome Your file structure is still wonky though. Should be /GameData/modname/parts/partfolders
  6. You're almost certainly running out of memory. Once you hit roughly 3.6GB used the game craps itself. Having lots of mod parts plus large texture packs can do that in a hurry.
  7. Thanks for clarification on licensing And yeah, I have no intention of touching JPEG. I remember reading the linked post back when you first put it up... hooray for testing!
  8. This graph I made a while back might be useful: 5km on Duna is the same atmospheric pressure as about 17km on Kerbin. Datum altitude is equivalent to ~6.5km on Kerbin.
  9. The description on the ribbons generator (which I did a rewrite of compared to the original spec) says Seems reasonable to me.
  10. You didn't paste the closing tags. Make sure the whole line is highlighted.
  11. Just because your OS has 64-bit addressing doesn't mean that the program (in this case, KSP) is compiled for 64-bit memoryspace.
  12. Oh, idea: Since the return chevron doesn't indicate if you've come back from a world's surface or just its SoI, I think it'd be a nice addition to add the SSTO Wreath to Eve. In this case it'd represent a craft that traveled from Eve's surface to orbit (no SSTO required). Since it's one of the harder thing to do in KSP, I think it should be celebrated --- and it doesn't require adding any more graphics assets.
  13. I second this. Also nice would be decals that align the flag vertically down the side of tanks.EDIT: also, the zip download doesn't conform to the standard KSP mod filestructure. You should definitely remedy that quickly.
  14. Tingle, spacex34, Rareden, and AncientGammoner, how would you feel if I distributed modified versions of your textures? I've been tweaking my own copies for optimum filesize and appearance, plus compiling what I feel are the best versions of each world.
  15. Ok, you just gave me a reason to set up permanent infrastructure on Duna
  16. Deleting stock parts never occurred to me, but it seems like a good idea. I don't have too many part mods installed, but Universe Replacer chews through memory and some stock parts are simply worthless --- best examples are the radial rockomax engine and the heavier 1m reaction wheel. I also don't hesitate to use less than every part in a mod pack --- I only have a couple airship envelopes, and from Firespitter I nuked everything but the electric props and some of the wheels. Oh, also the non-ruggedized rover wheel might be a good deletion candidate.
  17. Can you link the existing pack? 200 forum pages is a lot to eyeball search. Might be good if you sigged it it something.
  18. I made a thread with these graphs a while ago, but the Big Forum Lithobraking Event seems to have destroyed the thread. They may be helpful.
  19. What's that notepad-looking icon next to Alarm Clock?
  20. Are those... Oscar-B fueltanks stacked a dozen high?
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