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Everything posted by Catto

  1. Yes you can, and i'll probably participate. Put it in the forum games, or one of the mods will put it there for you.
  2. @Gargamel Can you or another forum mod close this post? I kinda don't think it's a good idea and i would like it closed.
  3. (this post doesn't count) Yes we should.
  4. I like swimming my fish into the island. #3
  5. I'll start with a sentence, and each person changes one thing about it. After 5 people change it, somebody will put out a new sentence. I'll go first: I like crashing my rockets into the KSC.
  6. /force PAX_east show_KSPpanel /set player_Hype 100%
  7. Yeah i want voxel physics so bad. I want to actually blow the mun up.
  8. All of them are a good idea. One of the loading texts for ksp does say "Spelunking on Tylo"
  9. I'm starting to dislike this community and how they say "WAAAAAAAHHHHHHH NO NEWS WAHHHHHHH KSP WILL NEVER EVER RELEASE!" after seriously one month without news. They're working hard. I've been waiting since the trailer and i have been optimistic.
  10. Yeah, i mix up the two. I mean both i guess.
  11. Can everyone stop being narcissists for once and just be patient without jumping to "oh ksp 2 will never release?" I dislike that attitude.
  12. They've been at it for so long, they can't just give up. They have an entire fanbase to please. There hasn't been a delay yet. Be hopeful. Trust the devs here. They work hard enough, don't pressure them.
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