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Everything posted by Catto

  1. They are probably going to be a science farm. You could make a colony on one, and you would get alot of science. Don't disagree with me, this will probably be true.
  2. I think all would be cool. All would be cool.
  3. My game don't tell me. It's fine.
  4. Tomorrow is Friday. We shall see. If they put the release date out, it won't be blatant. it will have to be decoded.
  5. Hello, Cargame! Our community hopes you're enjoying KSP.
  6. Thanks steve, that's PROBABLY it. I'm still keeping this open if that isn't it.
  7. I don't use console, but i think this is already implemented. On pc, in the 1.11 update. Maybe update your game and look at the controls. Oh also, welcome to the forums.
  8. Premeshed cave models are cool. I like caves.
  9. Yeah. Ksp2 will have bigger antennas because of interstellar travel, this is entirely possible.
  10. Alright, might as well close this.
  11. I have this question, and if you could send me the link to the truly most liked post on this forum, that would be much appreciated.
  12. month day year the generator did 2022-8-12 so i changed it people could understand it
  13. The stardestrookie has fallen. The golden cookie has been placed in my hands.
  14. Alright, i did a random date generator between April 1st and December 31st. And i made it only pick FRIDAYs. Here's the release date, predicted/leaked by a bot. 8-12-2022
  15. (here i am!) I love sending Jeb on a one-way return trip to Jool! (1)
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