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Everything posted by Catto

  1. I want water to drip off my vehicle, and parts to be able to get waterlogged as a difficulty option. If i do a water landing, which is the most likely place to land your craft, i want it to be immersive. If i land my plane in the water, i want it to get WET.
  2. Personally, they shouldn't make a movie at all, in fear of it being absolutely terrible.
  3. There's always that mouthbreather that says it won't release... Cmon buddy.. It's gonna.
  4. Action groups and staging have a baby. Dynamic staging: Say, you want a cargo bay to open on a certain stage: like stage 2 for example. On the same stage, you want a payload to decouple, but not at the same time the bay opens. You can set a timer, for about 3 seconds in this case, before the payload decouples. And you don't have to stage more than once.
  5. Mass relays as cannons. Get your payload, and propel it with the engine facing your cannon fodder.
  6. How about mass drivers? If that's too hightech, Spinlaunchers? We should have a way to not waste propellant and get stuff into space.
  7. I've said this before, and alot of people have agreed, but i speculate DebDeb may be binary. It has TWO debs, possibly meaning two stars. Kerbals may also have dominant hands, meaning we could get a righty kerbal, and a lefty kerbal. But lefty kerbals would be rarer. Lefties FTW!
  8. Hmm, does Ovin have a noxious gas that will kill everyone who dares to breathe it? No? Then it isn't like eve by the atmosphere.
  9. I'm going to stick to my computer, stickier than the stickiest glue
  10. I'm not also sure if i can check his courageousness or stupidity either. We don't know if he lives up to his name.
  11. banned for banning someone who banned someone else who banned someone else
  12. Sir, Question; Would you be so kind as to send me a link to your modpack, or at the very least, your modlist?
  13. abble 3999123934002358342567583487382842357443856596
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