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Ooglak Kerman

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    Inselkampf refugee. Eager for technology

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  1. Anyone know if it is possible to access the state of a contract - I.E. contract complete - from ModuleManager? What I'm looking to do is to change the true | false of a PQSCities property if a specific contract has been completed. I understand that I need to be able to access that PQSCities property. I'm approaching this from both ends at this point.
  2. @Jason Kerman If you have not seen it yet - have a look at the latest version of Kopernicus - particularly the lethalRadius bit. I had a bit of a hand in this and am very familiar with it. DM me on Discord if you would like to discuss.
  3. It looks like you can nest vessel parameter groups. But the PARAMETER ReachState with a situation = ORBITING comes up true for all bodies. I can work with it I think
  4. Reviewing the doc, it looks like what I want is the type = ALL since I'm wanting all the child parameters/groups to have completed. Thanks for getting me moving again.
  5. Can a VesselParameterGroup be nested in another VesselParameterGroup?
  6. @siimav In the Kopernicus City and City2 nodes, there is an option to make the object to be a commnetStation. Do you think it would be possible for CC to do a BEHAVIOUR to set a persistent MM patch to turn that attribute on? Or possibly a attribute on the VisitWaypoint PARAMETER?
  7. Awesome! Thanks much. Well thought out. At what point was that attribute added? I'll need to make that version the minimum.
  8. I've run into a behavior that seems counter intuitive. Given a 1st contract that you accept. That causes a 2nd contract to drop that has a Requirement of AcceptContract of the 1st contract. If the 1st contract is completed before the 2nd, then the 2nd contract will fail. I see where - since the state of the 1st contract has changed from Accepted to Completed, but shouldn't AcceptContract track on IF a contract has been accepted and not on the state of the contract? Is there a workaround?
  9. I found the Tourism Plus pack and the Space Camp contract is just what I was looking for. I'm slowly working my way through CC and wow - what a well thought out mod. Very rich. Very complex - but I guess that is part of it.
  10. Thanks for looking into this. I think that what I want would require a change to the City node in Kopernicus. When using the SpawnPassengers BEHAVIOR, and then subsequently use the ChangeKerbalType BEHAVIOR, how do you reference the individual Kerbals if they are randomly generated? Index? Can you point me to an example?
  11. Thanks for the info. This is quite the rabbit hole to go down. There are 2 things I'm super struggling with though - both in regard to pqsCities. I'd like to create a contract to go to an existing pqsCity on a body and once that has been completed, set the comnetStation property to True. Any knowledge of if this is possible?
  12. My current plan is to add the contracts into the interstellar mod, so it would be something like GameData/modname/ContractPack/ would this be appropriate? CONTRACT_TYPE:NEEDS[ContractConfigurator] Additionally, is there a more up-to-date wiki? Looking through other ContractPacks, I keep finding stuff that is not in the wiki.
  13. Is a MM AFTER statement for various contract bits advised if the contracts are part of a mod? In this case an interstellar mod.
  14. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Win10 Pro | CPU: I9-11900K | GPU: RTX 3090 | RAM: 64GB After launch of a craft, toggling the lights button for all lights or just the individual illuminator results in the illuminator blinking on briefly then off and and then ceasing to work. This is the case for all lights in the Light group of Utility. A simple craft to test was a MK1-3 capsule, Z-4K battery, and anything from the Light group from Utility. Severity: medium. Rovering in the dark is problematic Frequency: high. Always occurs. Even after quick save and revert and game reload.
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