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Everything posted by Kosmonaut

  1. I request a team up with @StupidAndy. If Turtle and Sandwich can have one, then other people should. My possible mutual space centre
  2. 3/10 What's the point of a stomach gun? Wouldn't that hurt you or even kill you from recoil every time you fired it?
  4. -62 + We need scarce in for this level of drama
  5. @Deddly I was too lazy to try and figure that out, so thanks! @TheEpicSquared nope. -61-1 is not -63 -60 +
  6. OH NO YOU DON'T -91 + I also must say that 15, 000 vs 2 is a little unfair
  7. Ah, well, our cooking does tastes very good. This last victim- erm , ah, well, I mean customer found to all tooo exciting and had a total organ failu- um, that is to say, heart attack Waiter, there's a cardboard cutout of an octopus cat in my soup
  8. 7/10 cool space squid, not sure how it's a weapon though...
  9. 2/10 Alpha Legion? Really? I mean, Chaos Scum is Chaos Scum, but if you're going to be Chaos Scum, you SHOULD have a god... Chaos Undivided is SUUUPER boring, and you only get one daemon type, and your spaceships, such as the one you are currently on get no perks and neither do your soldiers... go Nurgle, or Tzeentch, in my opinion.
  10. Sorry, does nobody remember that everyone except for @StupidAndy is dead? @StupidAndys everything Except that I regenerate into a better, sexier me, and I use a good deal of toilet paper and milk to take over the rocky planets in the solar system My rocky planets
  11. Stanley is incredibly satisfied with this, and starts to tear at the skin for fun
  12. -85 + @TheEpicSquared I find it odd that such a respectable person such as you would be on the wrong side
  13. In the end, Alex kills himself in order to complete his imaginary ‘Island Paradise’, a mansion where he can be on his own forever, whereas Faust kills himself to die with Gretchen, the ultimate expression of love.
  14. Well, it's a good thing you weren't looking for laughs at this restaurant, because that is one unfunny man! Waiter, there's a- *vomits and dies of food poisoning
  15. Hey I call bullying on the french rules -78 + Fromage
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