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Everything posted by Kosmonaut

  1. 1830: A blue police box materializes in front of you and the REAL doctor gets out... what happens next? (the eleventh for canon purposes)
  2. You watch people enter hotel rooms with their greatest fears inside, and then slowly get tracked down and killed by an unseen monster
  3. 1827: it's the hotel from 'The God Complex' from Doctor Who. Let's hope you don't find your room...
  4. Did an interstellar mission for some RP I'm doing on NationStates
  5. once for some reason I was stuck in KSP 0.25 for about a year Floor 1824: Everyone you have ever known lies dead in front of you
  6. 1817: The Kraken gives you cookies and Root Beer because the Kraken is a good person
  7. false- I never photograph my face because it's very ugly TUBM prefers Xenomorphs to Yautja (the aliens from the predator franchise)
  8. The user below me is also the user above me... so true True TUBM is a thing
  9. I've been waiting for a different EVA suit mod for sooooo long... I would pay for the suits- maybe different suit levels at different Astronaut Complex levels 1. Once you upgrade the complex to get EVA, you would start with Gemini or Voskhod Suits, with 50m tethers to the hatch, no capability of walking on the ground or performing planetary science 2. A7L/A7LB suits- versatile, but no manoeuvring pack, can perform planetary science and walk on the ground 3. A7L/A7LB and EMU units for each Kerbal- EMU unable to perform planetary science or walk, but has manoeuvring unit and lights 4. The regular suit- can do all functions and sit in a seat
  10. @kerbinorbiter I already sort of did that...
  11. True Also, as a fairly fluent French speaker, I take offence to you spelling of 'bonjour'. And it's not a difference between the Quebecois french I know and french french...
  12. @Ultimate Steve I love that song AND the video
  14. or is it... @TheKosanianMethod known for being a kerbal fighter ace
  15. They peacefully eat the aardvark. Joe feels light-headed, and only then does he realize the aardvark is poisoned He wakes up to find himself and the girl chained to a pole. Do they wait or try to excape
  16. If they do that the game will become terrible- the reason it's so great and so popular is the mods
  17. false, I haven't eaten all day TUBM is a soviet
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