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Everything posted by Kosmonaut

  1. I love how you took inspiration from the Pegasus there. Last year I was designing a crewed mission to Jupiter (plus Io, Europa, Ganymede and Calypso) and Saturn (Titan, Enceladus, Mimas, and the rings) on modern tech, and when I was designing the Bucephalus, the mothership, I put the heatshield in the back, with a retractable cover for the Nuclear Lightbulb Engine. I didn't want my Astronauts to have to Aerobrake Eyeballs-Out after going at interplanetary speeds. Just wondering, would it be possible for you to put an attachment node on the back so I could attach engines?
  2. That show is visually stunning Also the bird on the Asteroid that flapped slowly
  3. @SpaceMouse Well scientists calculated that to induce a 1-g spin at a rate that wouldn't produce Nausea, you would need a radius of 45m. Since the Kerbol System is 1/4 size, we can say that the Centrifuge was just downsized to 11.25m. Kerbals are 1m, and the average Human is 1.6-2m, so we can half that again, making is 6.625m. By scaling the Centrifuge to the Kerbals, it's about 7.5m, give or take, so I think windows are OK on this one.
  4. Will the corridors to the centre and the other sections have an IVA? I know it isn't necessary but it would look cool, especially with Enhanced IVA. Also, will it have Kerbalism compatibility as a centrifuge? I don't use Kerbalism, I'm just curious. EDIT: Forgot to add that I absolutely love this
  5. One of my favourite films ever- the Saturn Rings Spacewalk was fantastic and I felt genuine emotion at the emotional parts. I've been looking for this for forever so thank you.
  6. Hey I'm back 1983: The world is utopian and you shudder just thinking about what the next floor will inevitably be
  7. Omg I love love love love love the use of space there- with the zero-g designed cockpit. That's awesome and you should be proud. Is the rest of the space in there just airlock or is there going to be something else?
  8. Looks as if that nuclear deterrence policy to stop themselves from getting invaded by the US is working out...
  9. A very canadian-themed post Using metric and inferior imperial in the same sentence... you must be a fellow canadian! Last weekend at the Ottawa Aerospace Museum I had the opportunity to see, among other jet fighters, an AV-8B Harrier II- it was a surprisingly small craft compared to the CF-18 or CF-104 (the C denotes that it is upgraded and used by the Canadian military), actually not that much larger than the MiG-29. I always thought it was much larger than that.
  10. While I regret the loss of the Venture Star, I do applaud the choice to make the NAUTILUS-X instead. I wanted you to make that decision, but it's your mod so I wasn't going to say anything Cheers!
  11. That looks beautiful. Is it going to keep the mammoth trail? Or will you give it a new one?
  12. Reminds me of Alouette 1, the first Canadian Satellite. It made us the third space-faring nation in the world after the CCCP/USSR and America
  13. Not really, no. I just use them when I'm trying to make cool looking crew tubes on centrifuges and stuff, and 80m is way longer than I need
  14. I'm not sure about the leg thing- she's my second favourite witch (after Hama from Avatar: The Last Airbender), although I haven't read the stories about her since I was a kid. but I was just commenting on the house with Chicken Legs.
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