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Everything posted by TaintedLion

  1. Part 2: First Science After the success of Hexnik-2, more funds were allocated to orbital sciences. Also, the new Kerbal Space Center was finally completed, a new hub for all the activities of the Hexanian Space Program. (I've decided to do separate Imgur albums for each mission, because a single album would be way too pic heavy)
  2. Whenever I use any planet expansion pack with KopernicusTech, all my active contracts disappear, and any contracts I accept later disappear as soon as I enter the VAB e.g. Outer Planets, I accepted one to Explore Tekto, enter VAB, all contracts gone.
  3. Oops sorry If I wasn't clear, those are misc posts I posted on reddit a while ago. I haven't posted the next two Hexanian Space Program parts yet, but I have taken the screenshots. Stay tuned for those!
  4. I have already done up to Part 3! I just need to post them slowly. I am also posting these on Reddit if you want to check out and comment there!
  5. PART 1: Baby Steps Funding was initially given to two small satellites, known as the Hexnik program. The second would be used as a backup if the first one was to go wrong. This was the start of a great space program that is still continuing today. Feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  6. The Republic of Hexania has had a troubled past. The great war with the Pentanian Empire had plagued it for over 200 years. The war was won, and technology advanced rapidly. The only problem was, no one had a clue what to do with it. Then the great Wernher Von Kerman suggested that a space program be started. Since no one else really cared what happened with the technology, a ton of money was thrown at the program to get it started. This is the story of the Hexanian Space Program. I will be updating this as often as I can. This may be pic intensive. Parts Part 1: Baby Steps (Hexnik-1, Hexnik-2) Part 2: First Science (Hexnik-3, Hexnik-4, Hexnik-5)
  7. My contract order, if I recall correctly, was Mun, Minmus, Duna and Ike (done in the same mission), Eve, Gilly, Jool and Pol (done in the same mission), Bop, Laythe, Dres, Eeloo, Vall, Moho, and then where Tylo should be, there is nothing. I haven't lost a significant amount of rep, but I did use a gravity assist from Tylo to get into orbit around Jool, and I completed a Tylo science data contract during that swingby. Is there any way I can force the Tylo contract to appear, or will it never appear?
  8. I have just completed an Explore Moho contract, and the only contracts not completed yet are a DMagic surface survey of Laythe, and a plant flag on Laythe contract, but I am not getting a Tylo exploration contract.
  9. I need some help. I accepted a contract to explore Tekto, and as soon as I entered the VAB, all of my contracts were gone. Also, the rings of Sarum and Urlum were not showing. Mods: TextureReplacer, DMagic Science, InFlightWaypoints, RasterPropMonitor, KAS, KerbinSide, MechJeb, NearFuture Construction Electrical Props and Solar, Planetshine, Procedural Fairings, RLA Stockalike Parts, TweakScale, SCANsat, Anomaly Contracts, UbioWelding, Universal Storage. All mods up to date w/ latest versions.
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