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Everything posted by TrainEngie

  1. I don't know whether this belongs in Add-on Dev or Fan Art.
  2. Huh? Granted, but now everything orbits Jool. I wish for Indian curry.
  3. Question Question! Is Realchute and Adjustible Land Gear and Ven's Stock Revamp allowed?
  4. United Kerbal Aero Space Initiative, my space program.
  5. I have a question regarding the cross section graph Anybody, do you have any tips on making the yellow curvature-cross-section line on the cross section graph smoother? Also, what does a smooth yellow curvature-cross-section line look like on the graph? The most successful design I have in 1.0.2 FAR is the E-2 Hawkeye with FantomWorks, KAX, BD landing gear, yatta yatta. I'm too tired to think: It's midnight in Cali, US.
  6. The crazy Windows 8 says "airplane mode off" and the airplanes are broken. LOL?
  7. "All fuel tanks, wings (ie lift generators & aerodynamic environments) and engine parts must be stock, for fairness." ~boolybooly, The K Prize. Aww, that means no FAR. Well, the RAMSES wasn't enough, so I'm coming back!
  8. This sounds good. So, are Kerbal Aircraft Expansion, B9 Procedural wings and Adjustable Landing Gears okay? What happens if we land at a Kerbin-Side runway?
  9. Super beautiful mod! My computer will run on its limit, but it's well worth it for an excellent mod!
  10. Great mod! Works very well. I have one major problem however: The vessel geometry glitches out and doesn't make any sense. Mods list and problems below MODS: - [x] Science! - Toolbar - ATM - Adjustable Landing Gear (BahaSP - Atomic Age - Camera Tools - Community Tech Tree - Kerbinside and Kerbinside Jobs (Contract Configurator, medsouz? - Crossfeed Enabler - Fantom Works KAX+ - KAX - FAR (Modular Flight Integrator) - KJR - Modular Rocket Systems - Hot Rockets (MP_Nazari?, Smoke Screen) - Persistent Trails (your mod) - RSC Build Aid - Precise Node - Real Chute - Stock Bug Fix Modules - Wheel Sounds - Quick Scroll
  11. I noticed something: when I downloaded your "FantomWorks KAX+", I found the SR-71 cockpit inside the FantomWorks folder. It's awesome, but it still has stock lift properties, and I'm using nuFAR.
  12. Awesome mod! Surely downloading this. I have one suggestion: For the one-wheeled landing gear, could you make one where the wheel is at the center, not to the right or left, please?
  13. Thank you, Quantammatt (B52) for participating! Oh, so.. that's why there was a tailing explosion... - - - Updated - - - I updated your score.
  14. Good point. I'll make some changes to the requirements. Okay, since that becomes confusing, I'll allow drop tanks, but the fuel must not come from the bombs themselves.
  15. @Aanker: Since I said, "Must be able to take off and land at the KSC Runway in one piece!", I think that means no drop tanks. Yes, drop tanks allowed. It would probably be advantageous, maybe? I'll accept joined bombs ONLY if they are joined Radially (side by side???), not Stacked. @FlipNascar Since you have no pictures of your BooBoo going into orbit, I won't add the Space Boy bonus until I receive video or pictures of your BooBoo in orbit. Like they say, "Pics or it didn't happen" Also, thank you for participating!
  16. Bombs must carry fuel, and the triangles in the fuel menu must be deactivated.
  17. The Oscars cannot be separated one by one. One OscarBomb is 4 Oscar tanks connected together like in the graphic. - - - Updated - - - also, thank you, toadstooliv (Dash spy plane) for participating! - - - Updated, again. - - - That looks like an awesome design!
  18. When Scott Manley applied Seperatrons to a FAR craft, the craft burned an aircraft carrier. Challenge accepted! Gas tank is on fiya!!!, lalala...
  19. Yes! FAR is now an accepted mod. Regarding entries, Thank you, Valcab33 (AB-03) and juzeris (Spineroid III) for participating!
  20. The Assorted Atmospheric Bombers Challenge ​ (A mostly-stock challenge) Updates below! Prologue The Department of Defense's bomber fleet used to be large during 0.90.0, because it comprised of ridiculous designs that don't look like they could fly, but they did. Now 1.0.2 arrived, and the Dept had to scrap almost all of their bombers except for a few sane ones. The Department of Defense is reaching out to purchase a variety of bombers from prestigious companies. Based off of Aanker's Military Procurement: Strategic Bomber Concept, but changed it a lot to benefit low part counts for weak computers like mine. Build us a bomber with these requirements and restrictions: Must be able to take off and land at the KSC Runway. You don't need to bring back bombs and/or drop tanks. Follow this plan (Bomb the desert target area as seen in this map): Must have at least 2 FLT-400s, 2 FLT-200s, OR 2 Oscar-B stack-of-4 attached to stack decouplers, radial decouplers, Hydraulic Manifold, pylons, or hardpoints: Bombs must be loaded with fuel and deactivated! Drop tanks are allowed, but make sure they aren't the bombs themselves. Fuel from the bombs must not be fed into your bomber! Cannot takeoff and land with rockets! No mining drills or ore tanks on the plane itself! Record your part count! Record your mission time! PICTURES OR VIDEOS, OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN! You need at least 1 picture for each in an Imgur album Where the Bombs are, and Engineers' Report open, in the SPH A picture showing that the bombs' fuel are deactivated (Right click bomb, then click on green arrow on Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer to make it deactivated) On the Runway before Takeoff Before dropping bombs The bombs exploding Landed, with the F3 flight log menu open OR A video with all the above requirements ALLOWED MODS ON CRAFTS------------------------------- Kerbal Engineer Redux Mechjeb Ferram Aerospace Research Modular Rocket Systems other visual mods (EVE and such) Adjustable Landing Gear (if you're not a purist, I recommend this excellent mod) -------------------------------------------------------------- Scoring System PENALTIES! -5 points for Mechjeb autopilot on plane -5 points for Modular Rocket Systems Base Scoring Record your time. If your mission time is less than one hour, then 60 - (mission minutes) = whatever points Bombs are worth Oscar-B: 2 points each unit FLT-200: 4 points each FLT-400: 8 points each Bonus Points! Safety First (Face under 5 G-forces) 2 points Daredevil (Face over 10 G-forces and stay in one piece) 2 points Up and Down (Make a VTOL) 10 points Dreamboat (Can takeoff and land on water without damage to anything) 5 points Space Boy (Make an SSTO, bombs or no bombs) 10 points Lowrider (Go close in between the mountains) 1 pts Pit Stop (Has an accessible docking port for refueling trucks) 2 points Special Tags (subject to change) Replica of real life plane [R] Shortest Mission Time [F] Fly with no SAS (applicable to only video submissions) [NoSAS] Fly with Ferram (FAR Certified, as I call it) [FAR] Modded [M] Leaderboard (subject to change) Hit-and-Run (Light) Bombers (2-6 of any accepted bomb) BooBoo by FlipNascar, 101 Points, 17 min Spineroid III by juzeris, 91 Points [F] 13 min Dash Spy Bomber by Toadstooliv, 67 Points AB-02 by ValCab33, 54 Points ? ? ? ? ? ? General (Medium) Bombers (7-20 of FLT-400, 7-40 FLT-200, 20-40 Oscars) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Storm (Heavy) Bombers (40+ FLT-200 bombs, 20+ FLT-400 bombs, 40+ Oscars) B52 by Quantammatt, 216 points, 1 hour, 28 minutes [R] ? ? ? EXAMPLE CRAFT - ANGLE Z Mission time: 46 minutes 1 second >>> 60-46 = 14 pts 2 Oscarbombs: 4 pts Lowrider: 1 pt Total: 19 pts! CHALLENGE UPDATES! Le 8 May 2015 #1 (emphasis on 'Le') Added Oscar counts for the Light-Medium-Heavy Leaderboard Added entrants Added mod list Removed Smallest and Biggest tags Added new tag Changed one wonky thing (Thank you, toadstooliv) May 8 #2 Added entrants OscarBombs must come in groups of 4 May 9--- Added requirement May 12--- Changed the names of the classes so they make more sense SSTO may go to orbit with or without bombs Stack decouplers allowed Drop tanks allowed. Removed LWH recording requirement May 14--- Added oscar requirements Added FLT-200 requirements
  21. Do we get to see what the new landing wheels look like, for sure?
  22. I have a question. For the fuel bill: Is is based off of how much fuel was spent, or the fuel before launch?
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