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Everything posted by catcha

  1. That did it! Thanks for the quick turnaround. Not to just figure out which mod broke my asteroid drills..... I'm sorry if this is documented somewhere, I did some searching but couldn't turn it up: I love all of your parts and the ability to switch tanks. But, what is the best way to turn off all the additional resources and just use the stock ones?
  2. I installed the latest version and found that all of my existing crafts with tanks that I had switched to "LF only" had reverted back to "LFO". I replaced this mod with the previous version and they were right again.
  3. Yes I reset it. It still wants resources. There was once a setting for turning off the resources required, but I don't see that in the settings menu in the space center. I though maybe the mod+r menu had more options.
  4. Hello. Awesome mod. I am having trouble removing the requirement to use resources to unpack some objects/reconfigure. I have it on pristine mode, but it still wants resources. I saw something about using mod+R to get to a settings window, but that doesn't seem to work. (I noticed that was the default for winch control with KAS, so I changed it, but still no dice.)
  5. I keep having pathfinder parts appear in orbit when I take crew recovery contracts, without any way to get them out. For example, this time I have one inside of a deflated doc science lab. Since it's deflated, there isn't an option to Eva. I also had one inside of a Spyglass without a hatch. I have to edit the save and replace it with an MK1 to complete the mission.
  6. Best of luck! I JUST finished up my Ph.D. in ME while working full time as a professional with a family. Trust me, it will feel awesome when you take that second weekend off and that little voice stops punishing you for relaxing and not working on your dissertation. Pile it Higher and Deeper!
  7. It just has to make me laugh how this game works. I see the news about the new release, I download it. Play it a few minutes and say, well that's cool can't wait to play it. I then go back and open my old version and continue waiting for the day when my essential mods are ready to go. Not saying rush or I'm impatient. By all means, take your time. I know this community all have real lives and more important things than a game. I just had to comment. You do amazing work by the way.
  8. This one was driving me nuts because it was seemingly intermittent. I think I finally figured out what was the cause so I wanted to give an update in case anyone else is having this issue. I use the mod "Quickstart". If I load up the last saved vessel, KIS will not work. However, if I go the spacecenter and back to the vessel it all works. Easy fix for alot of frustration.
  9. It is available here: https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/IR-Sequencer/releases/tag/0.6 I have zero modding experience. I plan on getting into that after I finish my Ph.D. here soon. I got to thinking the problem may be in that mod and not this one.
  10. I love this mod. I'm about to attempt my first manned Eve arrival and departure. I'm debating using a Buffalo for the craft as my drilling rig. For some reason, it's so easy creating a rover with this it feels almost like I'm cheating when I don't have to spend hours trying to figure out how to make the wheels protrude out correctly and align like I do when starting with a circular tank. I do have one small request. Any way you could make the probe core work with IR sequencer?
  11. Klatt, Oddly, KIS behaved this way for around 3 days, then went back to normal and works fine (without me changing anything). If I do have this issue again I'll post the information you suggested. Thanks!
  12. So, sorry if this is covered. I looked through about 15 of the 70 pages before I decided to just ask again. I love KIS, I use it all the time. However, suddenly the Inventory button doesn't appear on my Kerbals in EVA, and if I click on the Inventory button on a container the menu just flashes for a second without remaining open. I haven't installed any new mods. I've taken as many mods out as I can before I start having part loading issues. Any idea what may be the culprit? (I have a full base packed up and landed, no way to unpack it. )
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