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Everything posted by HoloYolo

  1. Banned for being demoderator.- - - Updated - - - Banned for being demoderator.
  2. Northern Hemisphere Winter. Sorry, should've been specific.
  3. The ISS has enough supplies to last till winter (I think so, anyways), so anyone on there can make it until then, and then they'd have to evacuate.
  4. Goodluck! I've never launched from Eve successfully, but this might convince me to do so.
  5. Dat first one though. Amazing! Should I change this thread to a "Coolest/Funniest Videos Ever" thread?
  6. I'll go try this and report back
  7. I believe I've found the funniest video in existence. It's an X Factor bad auditions, and it's the best one. Watching the first 4 or 5 auditions should make you cry with laughter. So what can you find?
  8. The only thing we need on the Moon at this point is a base/colony. They can do the science at the base, and we don't need to worry about latency because they're people. We can get a lot more from a base then a robot.
  9. How do I do it though?
  10. Enjoy yourself. When I was a noob it took me 10-20 tries (can't remember) just to get to orbit. Have fun, and welcome to the forums and such.
  11. I remember Scott Manley getting back only using about 380 m/s. That was a LONG time ago though, so don't get too cocky back on Ike.
  12. How do I get those big images that people have in their posts? I'm doing a challenge and I want to have my images visible on the OP.
  13. This is for the Elcano Challenge, and I will be the first to drive all the way around Ike. This is WAY harder than I thought it would be. Glitches, slow and flipping rovers, and really low gravity make this really hard. Day 1: The beginning of pain and patience. After 359 days of space travel in just a suit, Bill is ready to drive around Ike. After a successful landing and driving of 2.8 km, Bill stops tonight to wait for tomorrow to travel even farther in shorter amounts of time (I started at like 8:30 so I didn't get far). The rover he's driving is very simple and small. It flips if driven incorrectly and doesn't brake well. I'm going to try to get this in one go without replacement. It has no engines, but as far as I know Ike doesn't have far drops or mountains with 90 degree slopes. The rover is 100% stock but I use mods for help and visuals. Pics I took of Day 1 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=474093997 We begin our road trip! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=474094091 1/100th of the way there http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=474094352 Going west to get a longer view of Duna Day 2 coming...well you know, tomorrow XD
  14. I would not press it do to me not being old enough to drink. Press the button to live at your dream house/location, but your lifespan to be shortened by 20 years.
  15. That's the point. Brand had liked Cooper the whole time, and when she found out Cooper died, she felt so sad she killed herself.
  16. If Interstellar 2 is ever made, this is how it should go down. After Cooper leaves the station, he makes his way towards the wormhole, he enters it, and loses a landing leg. He shrugs it off and continues towards Gargantua. He has flashbacks of the many events in the system, which distracts him, and makes him freak out. It's been 4-8 months at this point, and his life support decreases. TARS suggests that he cuts down on his rations, but Cooper insists. After a close pass of Gargantua to get ramped up to Pantagruel. He doesn't know that due to the lack of shielding on the Ranger, he was exposed to cancerous amounts of radiation. At about Mann's orbit, TARS finds out that Cooper has cancer, but he doesn't tell Cooper for unknown reasons. As he nears Pantagruel, the cancer starts to affect him drastically. The radiation from the star makes the cancer even worse, and due to low life support, Cooper nears death. 5 years after leaving the station, and closing in on Edmund's (now Brand's), Cooper dies due to cancer. TARS lands at Brand's habitat, and wakes her up. After an emotional reunion, and TARS telling her about Cooper, Brand becomes depressed and kills herself. TARS and CASE now manage the colony, and 20 years later, a colony of 300 people start setting up humanity's new home. So, what do you think? I made this up on the spot, so it's not the BEST, but I think it would make a great sequel should anyone do one.
  17. Render distance in atmosphere is 22.5 km, so they probably landed before that distance so he could recover them
  18. A solar station is 90% pointless. I say 90%, because if it was passing close to the Sun to get science done, then it returns home, then it makes sense.
  19. Screw stock! If it had more than just a science bay a telescope, maybe! But since it has 4 FREAKING PARTS, it should stay as a mod forever.
  20. QUOTE=EdusacconBR;2052780]granted, but its radioactive and kills you i wish for ALL THE BRONIES TO DIE.[ QUOTE]Bro that's a little extreme.
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