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Everything posted by HoloYolo

  1. The user below me likes Jontron.
  2. HoloYolo

    Apollo 18

    I LOVED it. Even though it wasn't the best, it was awesome to see a great story. Only thing is, how did they get the footage that was in Lunar orbit?
  3. Can you make an Ike badge? Really want to shoot for the grey potato orbiting Duna.
  4. The ability to explore and do whatever you want.
  5. Thank god it's illegal for someone my age to get married!
  6. Is this challenge still up? If so, Ike here I come (no one has done it here yet)!
  7. Voice Chat Squad, get on it!!! (you wouldn't want to here me, I'm a pubescent voice cracker).
  8. This is Jontron, from what I believe is from the Hercules games reviews. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CAcQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fyoutube.wikia.com%2Fwiki%2FJonTron&ei=BLKRVaPXBMi9sAXCtKfwDQ&bvm=bv.96783405,d.cWw&psig=AFQjCNFWCWR9SBSWToBMxuh3Yi3CHdvnAw&ust=1435698050098958 (gotta get that picture code down eventually)
  9. You people are gonna start a war with all the round-8 hate (LOLOLOLOL Rhyme)
  10. If your addiction is that bad, a gun and a bullet (JK screw suicide jokes) I packed 100 hours in 2 weeks just trying to get to the Mun and other planets (really fun times).
  11. I'll probably be the first download. Windows 10 looks dope.
  12. Would've gave it a 4 or 3. It took me like 3 days to learn this but 99% who play this will probably took a long time to learn this.
  13. 1 more thing, where's your attempt to show this is possible.
  14. Is it bad that I supported the anti-removal of them but never use them?
  15. RIP all lives lost not only with STS, but with all flight failures.
  16. You could time warp until wanted launch time.
  17. QUOTE=Kobymaru;2049802]It's a tourist contract, so the lightest I can go is a Lander can. I built I TIE-(Triple Ion Engine) Ship with two Gigantor XL solar panels, because I want to keep my burns under one hour. That still doesn't make me very happy Wait, so what is Fly-By exactly? I thought it was "on escape trajectory out of the sun"? Or is it "in space near the sun"?[ QUOTE]A fly-by with the Sun is a close perigee, so using gravity to get down low and back home isn't violating the contract.
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