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Everything posted by HoloYolo

  1. Yeah, I plan to stay. I've been playing too much CS:GO if I'd say so myself.
  2. Yo guys! I have come back yet again! Haven't played this game in 2 months! I hope this community hasn't changed much. So errr....yeah. Im back
  3. I never revealed it's location. We will be anonymous forever. Or until Anonymous finds us. You can guess if you would like.
  4. The tiger won't come. I took his eye. I have the eye of the tiger. Take it back. Or are you too mad?
  5. I ate the porkjet. Someone is mad bru,.
  6. Yes. There will be no end point until I meet the ultimate fate aka getting banned. The grill again?
  7. You might want to post a download link. Also, by your rules. I can use the ALT+F12 method and get into space with all the fuel remaining.
  8. Muahahaha! Nope! Yu mad bru? Sampa's Grill.
  9. Vana Not Spaceplane you posted recently so you will return.
  10. Hola Australian. Cannot wait for your magazine.
  11. Cool but the, "Gas Giant with Moons" thing is getting really old. Terrestrial Planets can be cool too!
  12. I see them as a Sampa-Xannari relationship. I feel bad when I can't return one of them to be honest. Like when Jeb dies trying to ascend from Eve his grill lost him and that's sad regardless if it's a video game and fake.
  13. So this game is based off of the Rate the Spaceship game. Same purpose, just that it's with weapons. The weapons can be stupid, infamous, amazing, whatever floats your boat. Ratings can be any number like 0/900000 or 11/10 Here's mine https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjyi4uK6dfJAhWFkx4KHQJMCL4QjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FKatyusha_rocket_launcher&psig=AFQjCNEMSzTxeYU2PaLf32_9A8vKolr_aw&ust=1450060848225136 Enjoy your weapon ranking. Someone please tell me how to post images so they can be seen on the forum please. I do not know the new BBCode.
  14. Not much. I feel lucky I stayed here though, as a layout isn't an instant turn off for this great community.
  15. The ship that will sail there has a miner to refuel. It is just 1 ship.
  16. Canadian-with-German-descent (I'm an American with German descent)
  17. I also have a grill. My mom can cook a mean steak. I pick addict! Just as long as it isn't drugs that is.
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