Sent the MiniEeloo to Eeloo. I was excited, he was excited, that we got the tiniest craft in kerbal history to get to Eeloo
But the lander had to be modified for smallest weight. We didn't count for delta-v, however
As we stared at Eve from Eeloo orbit, we started to descend. The first problem came with the fact there was no docking port on either craft.
I said, "I'll rescue him! Bob will not die!" Of course that never was kept.
The second problem came after the landing. Bob basked in glory! He was excited to return with the vanilla surface of Eeloo.
Apparently we only had 550 m/s of fuel remaining according to MechJeb. We decided on the lander boosting him most of the way, with his jetpack getting him there on to orbit.
The fuel on the lander was gone. Bob EVA'ed and started making his final orbit.
But before he made it, however, Mission Control decided to get him as close to the transfer stage as possible. They said the fuel could be used for the rescue craft.
Before the orbits matched, he had run out of fuel. The transfer stage attempted a rescue and crashed.
Bob, ten minutes after Eeloo takeoff, 9 years after Kerbin launch, returned to the vanilla surface of Eeloo. Mission Control decided to never stick with tiny rockets ever again.
The save was deleted shortly after.