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Everything posted by HoloYolo

  1. [img]http://i.imgur.com/GIHLNf0.jpg?1[/img] The Bearded Dragon Bomber. I want to release it, but Dropbox is under maintenance. Cool, huh?
  2. None of those 1. Shot Guns 2. Been to Jamaica 3. Never been more west than Oklahoma.
  3. 0 + I will fight for neutrality until I die!
  4. Can you answer the rep questions please? I really want to know if I (or us users) lose all our rep. If this does happen, will it be restored or will we start from scratch (please be the former)?
  5. [quote name='Ogcorp CEO']I am a bit ticked off about the deletion of rocket builders, but where will the craft go now????!!!![/QUOTE]Spacecraft Exchange. It exists for a reason.
  6. Duna. Easy to land (IMO, just use a combo of rockets and parachutes), good science if you return, and a cool Mars analogue.
  7. I hope I don't lose my rep. I mean, I'm only 58 points away from a forth bar.
  8. I really don't care. My closest pass with debris was 2km, but it was only a decoupler, so it's not like it would've done much. NERVAs, I could care less. Stages provide the biggest risk but 30km is not close enough to make me worry.
  9. [quote name='njmksr']Thanks! I did not know about KJR until now. I made this to solve a problem that I had in-game and when it worked, I decided to publish it.[/QUOTE]lol it's still really cool. Nice work.
  10. Seems cool. Then again, KJR strengthens the rocket for you and requires no struts.
  11. [quote name='Mad Rocket Scientist']Solar panels AND batteries.[/QUOTE]You evil ........... Can I buy the Solar Panels and Batteries?
  12. [quote name='Mad Rocket Scientist']*Has rooftop solar* *Grins evilly while reading posts*[/QUOTE]I doubt that does much for power though, as most of the time when power goes out it's from wind or severe storms.
  13. K-S-P How can you say it differently? Kissp? That is so stupid.
  14. Remember ole Hurricane Sandy? My Pennsylvania suburb was right it its path. It took a long time to lose the power too, so we watched movies to wait it out before it happened. We went to a friend's house who had a generator that was powerful enough to power the whole house, so we watched movies there. The power at our house came back on after that night, as we live right on a business strip with a fire department. The power here never stays out for more than a few hours. We get lucky. But we're moving soon, so we might have to endure outages for a week. God dangit Mom.
  15. No. Sure, it was way back when NASA was just starting to have space shuttles and everyone knew mistakes could happen, but in this ignorant society people will point fingers at NASA because the craft blew up. Think about it, the USA dropped those 2 atom bombs on Japan for good reason, but people still curse and shame the US. It will be the same for this. No one will want to pay taxes for such a "murderous" space program, and instead of getting to Mars in 2035, we might get there in 2100 just because of an arrogant American public.
  16. Should I do this? After returning the biggest thing I have done was a Mun base. Also, is refueling with STOCK parts in a normal category or a sub-category? IMO, it should count as a regular category.
  17. HoloYolo

    Sad News

    When my cat had kittens she also had a runt. We knew his days were numbered, but he died so fast. I have lost many other animals as well. It's like losing family. It hurts you and makes you super sad. RIP Radar
  18. Jets on Tylo don't work either. I had like 20 intakes and 1000 liquid fuel. I checked all sources and it said Tylo had air. Please help.
  19. 0 - I will keep my quote on the front forever.
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