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Everything posted by HoloYolo

  1. [quote name='Azimech']Could you help me finding one? I'm not sure I'd pick the right one. [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2a30--j37Q[/url] This one's good. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='Azimech']Could you help me finding one? I'm not sure I'd pick the right one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2a30--j37Q This one's good. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='Azimech']Could you help me finding one? I'm not sure I'd pick the right one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2a30--j37Q This one's good. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='Azimech']Could you help me finding one? I'm not sure I'd pick the right one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2a30--j37Q This one's good. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='Azimech']Could you help me finding one? I'm not sure I'd pick the right one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2a30--j37Q This one's good. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='Azimech']Could you help me finding one? I'm not sure I'd pick the right one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2a30--j37Q This one's good. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='Azimech']Could you help me finding one? I'm not sure I'd pick the right one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2a30--j37Q This one's good. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='Azimech']Could you help me finding one? I'm not sure I'd pick the right one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2a30--j37Q This one's good.
  2. 5/10 everyone has those badges in their sig.
  3. [quote name='Sequinox']Sure, it was easy for me too, but not for other people. If it's easy for you either do it or don't do it, otherwise you just sound like you're looking for attention. [COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Where did you get the badges in your sig, by the way?[/QUOTE]Challenges on this forum. Goddard Problem was about how high you could get with a pre-built rocket, T-Prize for making a Tylo SSTO. Both were hard and fun.
  4. [quote name='RA3236']Still a good challenge.. add an extra-extreme mode for a polar orbit under 6km-highest elevation is 7.5km at the poles. At equator it is 5.3km[/QUOTE]Good? I could debate that. I do low Mun orbits all the time. Sure, I get lucky by missing mountains SOMETIMES, but this is easier than breathing if you look at it.
  5. This is the easiest challenge I've seen in a while. Also, I can use hyperedit and all the mods I want according to the vague conditions and rules.
  6. HoloYolo


    Hi! Welcome! I'm not a very good tutor, but I'm sure the community has many tips and tricks for you.
  7. 645: Kermany is split up by East and West. 645.5: The other major opponent, Kapan, is defeated with an atom bomb. 640's: More atom bombs are tested, Kold War escalates.
  8. [quote name='xiej']Is it possible to do a circumnavigation with only SRBs?[/QUOTE]If it is sign me up, I'm trying that myself.
  9. [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/79/Operation_Upshot-Knothole_-_Badger_001.jpg[/img] Boom goes the atom bomb.
  10. Can you make a nuclear warning siren?
  11. [quote name='TheCanadianVendingMachine']What about Osmosis, Kaboom?[/QUOTE]That's soaking in liquid water, not steam.
  12. [quote name='Penguinhero']I had a theory come to me while I was melting snow If u drank nothing at all could you hydrate you body by breathing in enough steam instead of drinking water?[/QUOTE]No. You breath in the steam, not ingest it.
  13. So many Canadians! Where are the Americans at?! Also, welcome and enjoy your stay.
  14. [img]http://i.imgur.com/fSGwbiY.jpg?1[/img] Built the LaytheSiter 1 today. It might look like it took 10 minutes at the most, but really it took hours. This thing is made to drop 3 probes on different Laythe islands to find the best site for a base.
  15. I got it once and took a screenshot. Then my computer had to be wiped because of viruses. I think I still have it on my grandma's computer though lol.
  16. HoloYolo


    Going to go with conquest.
  17. Laythe was way closer than thought....
  18. Seems cool. I'll help if you want. I write good.
  19. It should still work.Example: Poster 1: 3+ Poster 2: 4 Pretty obvious I added.
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