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Everything posted by HoloYolo

  1. I learned in History that the Pilgrims intended to settle in North Virginia. lol
  2. Now, we are by nature extremely war-mongering (I'm looking at you USA), and hate even the slightest difference in cultures and peoples. That doesn't mean were that bad. The invention of the Atomic Bomb and a German scientist named Werner Von Braun, we have been able to explore our native system to the very farthest. We plan to send people to our fourth planet from the sun, Mars. I'll leave it up to you to decide our fate/relations.
  3. 3/10 Inaccurate as Tylo is the hell of the Joolian System and such fast circumnavigation is impossible.
  4. Hey dude! I welcome you. For your rockets, I recommend struts, tons of struts. They even cost 42 "V" so they're the answer to everything. I recommend for flying, just launch into orbit a lot. That helped me get the jest of flying and such.
  5. No. 30,000 years ago, we thought the sky was full of fire and that it turned black based on when it wanted to. 1,000 years ago, we thought God turned the Earth, and the Sun orbited the Earth, and the Earth was flat, and the edge was when things stopped existing. 50 years ago, we knew the previous stuff was fake, but we didn't know what was up there. Humans only got the desire for space exploration from WW2, thanks to the Nazis and Von Braun.
  6. Use as little fuel as possible to go to Moho or Eeloo. DO IT! JUST DO IT! DONT LET YOUR DREAMS BE DREAMS! - - - Updated - - - Use as little fuel as possible to go to Moho or Eeloo. DO IT! JUST DO IT! DONT LET YOUR DREAMS BE DREAMS!
  7. Firstly, I'd mourn my family. I just lost them, so I would be extremely depressed. I then would figure out how to drive, and then drive to Florida. I'd learn to cook and fish, and try to survive as long as I can really.
  8. You guys haven't changed. I'm glad that you guys welcome me back.
  9. Hi there. If anyone remembers me, I'm coming back after a 3 month leave from KSP and this here amazing community. I'm glad to be back and hopefully I'll be welcomed with open arms.
  10. This thing does not exist at ALL. Most believe that "Nemesis" causes extinctions every 26,000 years. Name me 3 extinctions that happened between now and 78,000 years ago. No? Bam, proven non-existence.
  11. Going to type my name and country of origin with my eyes closed. Kuvas (Lucas) United aates of America (United States of America) Wow I did better then I thought.
  12. Realism Overhaul takes like 1 or 2 Gbs of data. So not a lost of room left.
  13. lol. It's only really "ThatRickRollGuy". Still freaking hilarious though.
  14. Don't change my name, but I'm thinking about ThatRickRollGuy. DO NOT CHANGE IT! I'm thinking about it and will decide later.
  15. Nah, too weird. TUBM is near a city with a population over 1 million people
  16. 5 more years! I can get there TUBM will watch this cool vid I found:
  17. Imagine an Earth without war. Imagine a more peaceful Earth. This is due to one thing, virtual reality. Due to this, wars are never fought in reality. People don't die. Problems can be solved in games. How will wars work in this? Countries who fight in this game will have all their current technology. As the war progresses the tech they invent will be added into the game and supplied to their armies. Every time a soldier "dies", he or her gets pulled out of the game and can not fight again until the next war, so that wars don't last forever. All current cities, countries, and continents exist to have a realistic geography. NPC civilians exist to make it more realistic. Every weapon can be used in the wars. Now the tech they use to fight this war is millions of millions of computers protected by the most secure anti-malware, anti-virus, anti-Trojan, anti anything bad really. The computers each country gets is dependent on their total army soldiers. The internet countries use will be the fastest fiber optic. The game they fight in will be as non buggy and glitchy as possible. All the laws of war are in effect. Do you think this is the solution for wars and peacekeeping?
  18. Goddamn I've missed the forums. Mikki?
  19. 8/10 The classic witty, off-topic WinkAllKerb''
  20. HoloYolo


    Damn it! Your turn if you're up for it
  21. 213 points as of now so 87. Getting repped 3 times by new users threatens my OCD
  22. HoloYolo


    I'll make a riddle! I love making them even though I suck. I'm loved by many. My age group is mostly under-aged for me. Headsets are the key to winning and trolling with me. My players usually are here to have fun, but then we have the tryhards. What am I?
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