Hey so I started testing the new update today, and I went to klive and the planet was invisible. I saw the planet in the orbit view, but when I go to ship view I didn't see it. I crased into the surface but could not see anything. I don't know if anyone else had this problem. I was on my way to urlum (the second new gas giant) to see if this was the case for the other moons as well, but had to pause to do some stuff. I will let you know what I find. I am using only outer planets and outer planets plus (1.6). I will post what I find, but it takes a while to time warp that far even with infinite fuel. (Just using it to test it). I haven't been to the moons in 1.5.8 since I was doing a science game in that version, but I will do a test in that version to see if it might be something else specific to my computer. I also don't know yet if klive is the only planet where this is happening I plan on testing the other planets later tonight.