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Everything posted by Pkmniako

  1. I write down that. You'll need some timewarp for that. Also, I'm decided in making a terra (Because we all love them) and this beauty is going to be the one:
  2. - Looks incredibly good. - Looks stocky - Seems easy to land Only thing I see it lacks is support with other mods, but very great parts!
  3. I just need to know how to remove that lakes. It has been pushing me back implementing for a long time.
  4. I don't have two monitors, but I'll try to get a old one to try this out!
  5. Other Worlds star/planet pack Development Thread OTHER WORLDS REBOOT LINK - ORIGINAL MOD IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED KNOWN BUGS TO BE FIXED: [*=left]Atmospheres don't work. (Kopernicus Issue) [*=left]Some planets have a "pixel" style in shadows. [*=left]Vassa has a weird stuff going in the map-normal view translation. [*=left]​Secunda Sphere of Influence is waaaaaaaay to big. (My fault) [*=left]Some moons daytime don't point to Cercani, not to Kerbol even. Fixed for a0.2 [*=left]PLEASE report bugs. TO-DO: [*=left]Compatibility with Planetshine, Distant Objects Enchantment, Custom Asteroids, Final Fronteir mods. [*=left]EVE mod compatibility with custom clouds and Astronomer's Interestellar visual pack style [*=left]Science descriptions for stock experiments and some other mods ones like DMagic Orbital Science. (I will need help for this, because I'm not a native english-speaker) [*=left]Check for grammar/vocabulary errors. Due to the just released alpha, there is nothing to show here, at the momment.
  6. I literality thought about this all day. When I got home, I googled it to see if it exists, and it does. Could i help with the city buildings distribution, car roads layouts design and city placement in Kerbin?
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