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Everything posted by Pkmniako

  1. Version 1.0.1 (Via patch) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B76UBLqbQb_9Q1pQcW9tVndLRWM/view?usp=sharing Fixed C2-1 Agoraphobia (It was inside Vassa) Added a 0.000001 atm and 980 Kelvin atmosphere to Kevari, so now it's actually hot.
  2. Re-linked the EVE config download. Thanks! Remove the Distant Object Enhancement then, located in GameData/OtherWorlds/CercaniSystem/-CONFIGS-/DOE.cfg if you are in the 1.0 version of the mod.
  3. \o/ 1.0! \o/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Science descriptions, stock and DMagic! (Not for all ones). Science and career mode compatibility. Cercani gives less power to the solar panels. x0.5 that of the stock Sun. Cercani's corona can be seen from far. Fixed Nienna's atmosphere. SigmaBinary compatible! PlanetShine compatible! Changed Disole atmosphere to red. Changed Disole and Niko sizes, now they are bigger. Changed Disole, Niko, Troni, Secunda and Prima surface gravity. Changed Nienna moons' orbits. Kevari is much closer, Crons much farther and Niko in a commet-like orbit. Changed Pequar moons' orbits. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. It's a Distant Object Enhancement bug. Because Cercani is so far from Kerbol, the exoplanets flares aren't render.
  5. Finishing the mod! (At least the first system) Version 1.0 will be released in <8 days
  6. Solar Sails!? And thrust while time-warp!? Insta-Download
  7. Working on Vassa Atmosphere. This is how it looks: EDIT: Check you have the Kopernicus folder installed correctly (GameData/Kopernicus) and Other_Worlds also (GameData/OtherWorlds)
  8. I have waited for this getting to 1.0 since, well, 1.0. I don't really like RSS real size and Realism Overhaul that much, but I want to play with Sol system, so this is perfect for me!
  9. Try getting a clean copy of KSP and re-install Kopernicus, MM and Other_Worlds and see if it works.
  10. Could you post your output_log.txt just after entering the save game? It'll be helpful.
  11. Update! a0.3.1 Changed Disole texture and heightmap Added biomes for all bodies (No science defs) Removed mountain range of Disole.
  12. Cercani system is being finished! Probably 1 or 2 updates left. Also, I'm starting to do the trailer of the mod: EDIT: Biomes maps finished EDIT2: Officialy, /u/AcneZebra will do the science descriptions!
  13. (âŒÂâ– _â– ), ( •_•)>âŒÂâ– -â– , ( O_O)
  14. Checked and does go to the correct page, but for sure, here it is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B76UBLqbQb_9VG5MUmJEUlQ4X28/view?usp=sharing
  15. My idea goes like this: Each part could have two extra variables, one telling a Maximun failure percetage and a Maximun important failure percentage. This would be applied though Module Manager. When you create a part, the game would randomly say if the part is usable or not based on the Maximun failure percentage, if not, engines couldn't start, fuel tanks couldn't provide fuel, solar panels won't deploy or generate charge... But the game would also randomly say if the part would EXPLODE based on the Maximun important failure percentage. In each save, each time you use succesfully a part, the game would decrease both failure and important failure percentages. Engineers could repair failed parts, but not important failed parts. This would make KSP bit more harder and realistic, as you'd need to test the new researched parts to make sure they don't fail while in mission. (Sorry if I don't explain myself very well, my native language isn't english)
  16. You can go in the classical way like Unicorn, but It's for not being a lot of time going to the system. Ok, I'm changing the sentence to something more accurate. About ~100 MB, although I didn't test it. And about FAR, I don't have it in mind to do it, but I'm adding it to my TO-DO list. Under the Kerbal Stuff download.
  17. Fix for Kopernicus 0.3.1 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B76UBLqbQb_9cm1ubWUzZFhjVGc Place it on GameData/OtherWorlds/CercaniSystem/Pequar
  18. Just remembered when I was uploading the mod, but because I'm not having the computer in 1 or 2 days, and being my uploading speed pretty low, I decided to do a little version for Kopernicus 0.3.1.
  19. 0.3 UPDATE! Changed every planet and moons (Except C2-1 and C3-1) size to it's double. Removed pixelated style surface to every body except C3-1. Made Prima and Secunda binary. (Still WIP) Secunda now resembles Pluto. Changed Pequar rings. Now it doesn't have a gap and are yellow. Applied an atmosphere to Pequar. Changed C2-1, Disole, Kevari, Crons and Niko orbits for the more realistic feel. Added a ringed crater to Niko Added a mountain range to Disole, also, its texture will be changed in the next update. Now Kopernicus isn't in the download, and 0.2.3/4 is required, although you can play with Kopernicus 0.3.1 with this fix (Place it in GameData/OtherWorlds/CercaniSystem/Pequar)
  20. Jeb's Junkyard video. From Mini rocket launch (0:44) to 0:00 Spanish: Si aprieto aquí, lo mando aquí... aquí... ¡MARAVILLA MÃÂS! ¡Cagote! - ¿El qué? A mi no me importa. Todo es... Qué porquería... ¡MATEEEEEEEOOOO! Buenas Enriqueeeee! English: If I push here, I send it here... here... MORE WONDERS! ¡Coward! - What? I don't mind. Every thing is... What a mess... MATHEEEEEEEEW! Hello Haaaaaarry! Everything is with a mexican accent, and there are some words that there are only used in Mexico.
  21. I did this 3 or 4 months ago, and they just said things unrelated to what they were actually doing! One time one said "Hello, (Instert person name that I don't remember here)!" If I have time, I could do it again any transcribe them.
  22. Impressive, VERY impressive! I really like Potatus two colored surface on the transition region.
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