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Tokamak Utsuho

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Everything posted by Tokamak Utsuho

  1. That is the quite funny actually, how you phrase this lol
  2. Was wondering how a old thread like this got bumped to the front Let me try a bit and see if it works
  3. Holy excrements, this mod is amazing. Will try it out asap.
  4. Hi! Thanks for the mod update. However, I do believe that I have encountered a bug of some sort. When "smartstaging", all the stages gets messed up quite badly. I actually tried to look for a pattern on how it works, but failed eventually. Would sincerely hope that this is not caused by mod conflict, but that is a possible clause. Has anyone else found the similar bug?
  5. Wow! 16/05/2015 Update on 15/05/2015! Jokes aside, It's good to have this update! Finally!
  6. Well, It seems that I'm not the only one who is scared the crap out. You get me for a while Just thought I installed some weird mod. Dat Logo
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