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    builder of spaceships

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  1. I enjoyed this technical deep dive and I want to see more stuff like it!
  2. Looks amazing. Pol has been my favorite celestial body since I started playing KSP in 2014, and I can't wait to re-explore it in glorious high fidelity. I hope that the pointy triangular boulders are coming back! They are my favorite feature of KSP1 Pol.
  3. Struts, fuel lines, fairings, and launch clamps are all vanilla procedural parts. Also, OP isn't asking for procedural parts. They're asking for a way to control how fully the ladders extend. We have deploy limits on cargo bays, there's no reason we can't have them on ladders as well.
  4. Six and a half years ago, Porkjet teased an update to Habitat Pack, which he called "LivingSpace". These were the original images he shared: https://imgur.com/a/fZpyU Last year, he quietly released all those parts on Github, under the name IberiCo Spacecraft. https://github.com/Porkjet/IberiCoSpacecraft I've been playing with the mod in 1.11.1 and it works great. Absolutely fantastic parts pack. This seems to have gone entirely undiscovered by the KSP community until now, which is kind of amazing to me. Porkjet told me it was fine to post about IberiCo here, so here I am, spreading the good news
  5. Six and a half years ago, Porkjet teased an update to Habitat Pack, which he called "LivingSpace". These were the original images he shared: https://imgur.com/a/fZpyU Last year, he quietly released all those parts on Github, under the name IberiCo Spacecraft. https://github.com/Porkjet/IberiCoSpacecraft I've been playing with the mod in 1.11.1 and it works great. Absolutely fantastic parts pack. This seems to have gone entirely undiscovered by the KSP community until now, which is kind of amazing to me. Porkjet told me it was fine to post about IberiCo here, so here I am, spreading the good news
  6. This information is incorrect. I double checked with a clean install of KSP, no mods except KPBS. However, I fixed the issue by simply deleting the files for all the parts with non-stock resources.
  7. Hello, is there a version of KPBS that doesn't have all the new resources? After installing the mod I'm seeing all kinds of new stuff I don't recognize, like Enriched Uranium, MaterialKits, and ExoticMinerals. I just want the pretty parts
  8. Hey, I'm currently using 0.7.3 with KSP 1.11.1 and there are no issues that I'm aware of. It all works great. Thanks for all your hard work making maintaining KSP mods, Linux, you're the best <3
  9. Hi, I don't have any experience coding KSP mods, but I'm a full time Unity dev so I think I can help. The problem here is that lights have a culling mask that determines which layers of objects their light affects. Kerbals and ships are on different layers, and the PlanetShine lights do not have the Kerbal layer in their culling mask. According to the KSP modding documentation on layers, Kerbals are on layer 16. So I think this bug would be fixed by changing line 124 of PlanetShine.cs from light.cullingMask = (1 << 0); to light.cullingMask = (1 << 0) | (1 << 16);. However if that doesn't work (the modding docs seem pretty out of date so I wouldn't be surprised) you can write a script to find the layer of the Kerbal renderer components and use that number instead of 16.
  10. You have to turn up the terrain quality in the graphics settings, then restart the game.
  11. @KSK in real life, humans will be making interstellar journeys subluminally. I play KSP for the realistic futurism fantasy. If you really want science fantasy technology there will certainly be mods for it, just as there are in KSP 1.
  12. Except thanks to the incredible work of the people at Unity it literally is, assuming the game is built with DOTS. I know this because I have personally worked with multithreaded physics in Unity.
  13. To quote from that page: > Built on top of the Unity C# DOTS framework, it is network-ready, completely customizable, and built for performance out of the box. Whether you're building the next mobile hit or a new networked multiplayer console experience, Unity Physics leverages the Burst compiler and Job system to scale across a range of hardware. DOTS, the Burst compiler, and Job system all mean multi-threading. Also, I have personally programmed multi-threaded physics simulations using this tech, so yes it's multi-threaded.
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