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Everything posted by HMIC

  1. This needs a sequel like they mentioned: 2010 Absurdity Two. Heywood Kerman meets Valentina Kerman, commander of the Alexi Leonov on the way to Jool !!! Edit: Check that, Alexi Kerman ?? The Kalexi Keonov ???? Just Keonov?? ideas ideas ideas .... LoL!!
  2. @TaranisElsu Will this mod get an update for 1.1 on the pre-release?? Or will you wait until the final release to start updating? Thanks
  3. I will!! After that, let's fire an organge tank with 8 boosters attached radially. Can't seem to find a match to light it, anybody got some fire ??
  4. ok, roof it is... Can I bring my orange tank with boosters to fire randomly pointing the ground ?? Thanks!! I have fully fueled orange tanks with 8 boosters attached radially, will fire them on 1.1 release day ..
  5. I would like a full passenger car please. To party all day and night like Leo in "wolf of wall street" on the plane to vegas. Bring everything and anything, rocket parts to use as fireworks also welcome.
  6. My KSP career did not end, it's on hold, large part count ssto spaceplanes, refuel stations with multiple docked ships and bases are making the game too slow to play. Specially in Minmus, which is my stating area for launching, refueling and ending interplanetary missions. No point in expanding large part operations to gilly or Jool's low gravity moons. Until full use of the CPU cores, GPUs (SLI) and RAM (64 bit) is available in the 1.1 version with unity 5 or even further releases, all operations are small and medium ship design and testing.
  7. Thanks, looking forward to 1.1 on the open beta, also woking on a new project here at home and are evaluating unity 5, so opinions like this help. Thanks again.
  8. @KasperVld @Ted Hey guys, great news regarding 1.1. Has the experimental team notticed a performance boost in the use of CPU and GPU resources with KSP 1.1 and Unity 5?? I'd also ask if the expermiental team has given a positve feedback on the new and overhauled features in 1.1, but I imagine you will cover this in the next DevNote, so I'll wait. Thanks
  9. Messed up, this is the wrong thread, had to edit this out and place it in the right place. SORRY!!
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