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Everything posted by Xyphos

  1. This is my entry for the Jool 5 Challenge, it was completed on HARD mode, No Saves, No Reverts, No Regrets. The original recording was over 4 hours long, but I managed to use frame acceleration to trim it down to a 30 minute segment. The craft file is available for download on KerbalX
  2. thanks for the reply, but I think I just did wing it, as shown in the post before yours. feel free to improve it if you wish, but the output numbers match that of the delta-v "subway" map or slightly higher..
  3. that didn't work, here's the code I'm using: var optimizeForOptions = new DialogGUIVerticalLayout(IDGAF, IDGAF, SPACER, R0, TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, new DialogGUILabel("Optimize For:"), new DialogGUIScrollList(new Vector2(120, IDGAF), false, false, new DialogGUIVerticalLayout(IDGAF, IDGAF, IDGAF, new RectOffset(12, 0, 0, 0), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, new DialogGUIContentSizer(FM.PreferredSize, FM.Unconstrained, true), new DialogGUIToggleGroup( new DialogGUIToggle((OptimizeFor == OptimizeForEnum.Mass), "Mass", b => { if (b) OptimizeFor = OptimizeForEnum.Mass; }, IDGAF, Height), new DialogGUIToggle((OptimizeFor == OptimizeForEnum.Cost), "Cost", b => { if (b) OptimizeFor = OptimizeForEnum.Cost; }, IDGAF, Height), new DialogGUIToggle((OptimizeFor == OptimizeForEnum.PartCount), "Part Count", b => { if (b) OptimizeFor = OptimizeForEnum.PartCount; }, IDGAF, Height) ), new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace() ) ) ); const float IDGAF = -1F; const float SPACER = 12F; static RectOffset R0 = new RectOffset(0,0,0,0);
  4. I have a large gap between options in a ToggleGroup and I want to close that gap. Also, the input text below, how can I make it right-justified? it's currently left by default
  5. well, I didn't have much luck investigating atmospheric effects, but I did manage to assemble a "dirty" computation model. worst case, you end up with more delta-V left over than you actually needed. public XorcSystemBody(CelestialBody body) { const double addedAltitude = 10000; Name = body.bodyName; GeeASL = body.GeeASL * G; Selected = body.isHomeWorld; // Name.Equals("Kerbin"); var R = body.Radius + (body.atmosphere ? body.atmosphereDepth : body.minOrbitalDistance) + addedAltitude; // solving for orbital velocity var OV = Math.Sqrt(body.gravParameter / R); // solving for Hohmann from surface to sub-orbit var HT = Math.Sqrt(body.gravParameter / body.Radius) * Math.Sqrt((2 * R) / (body.Radius + R)); Log("OV:{0} HT:{1} ATM:{2}", OV, HT, body.atmDensityASL); // dirty and inaccurate, simply add % of the orbital velocity, multiplied by surface atmospheric pressure, (unless atm is less than 1) // to compensate for energy losses and imperfect piloting skills. // worst-case, you end up having more delta-V left over than you actually needed, once you get to orbit. OrbitDv = HT + ((OV * 0.5) * (body.atmDensityASL > 1 ? body.atmDensityASL : 1)); } --- Begin Body List--- OV:66865.3052852131 HT:66982.1861279674 ATM:0.000724928619656331 Sun G=17.1365654964294 OrbitV=100414.838770574 OV:569.428489895637 HT:954.425791338654 ATM:0 Moho G=2.69867173862968 OrbitV=1239.14003628647 OV:3196.03860842037 HT:3528.76187199897 ATM:6.23837138885624 Eve G=16.6826981269693 OrbitV=13497.7997782237 OV:12.166589067956 HT:32.1718209590611 ATM:0 Gilly G=0.0490667567239553 OrbitV=38.2551154930391 OV:2278.93163823856 HT:2500.77487991222 ATM:1.22497705725583 Kerbin G=9.81335156413656 OrbitV=3896.59436586056 OV:393.816483490122 HT:664.274124317323 ATM:0 Mun G=1.62901629764501 OrbitV=861.182366062384 OV:113.946582760896 HT:202.093130169358 ATM:0 Minmus G=0.490667585518345 OrbitV=259.066421549806 OV:890.539771231467 HT:1011.17868170966 ATM:0.149935103789845 Duna G=2.94400558622524 OrbitV=1456.44856732539 OV:250.885675720724 HT:445.293892644323 ATM:0 Ike G=1.09909540910873 OrbitV=570.736730504685 OV:269.411825569623 HT:460.828102541681 ATM:0 Dres G=1.1285354298757 OrbitV=595.534015326492 OV:6745.04654185952 HT:6920.82856568498 ATM:6.70262205528434 Jool G=7.85068136829352 OrbitV=29525.5774233785 OV:1871.78296839637 HT:2036.20069475704 ATM:0.764571404126208 Laythe G=7.85068136829352 OrbitV=2972.09217895523 OV:571.839137494635 HT:969.103628888492 ATM:0 Vall G=2.30613761172288 OrbitV=1255.02319763581 OV:1509.45408901854 HT:2519.25456689736 ATM:0 Tylo G=7.85068136829352 OrbitV=3273.98161140664 OV:122.953396276873 HT:234.192728469969 ATM:0 Bop G=0.588801080687464 OrbitV=295.669426608406 OV:83.7067279893296 HT:151.609907597204 ATM:0 Pol G=0.372907359437189 OrbitV=193.463271591869 OV:406.641568971577 HT:695.116614186788 ATM:0 Eeloo G=1.68789652635378 OrbitV=898.437398672576 --- End Body List ---
  6. okay so... in order to calculate the deltaV requirement to get a vessel from the surface of an atmospheric body to full orbit, requires calculation of surface terminal velocity, which requires calculation for drag coefficient, from a hypothetical non-existent vessel, to which has no drag.... is there a "dirty" way to compute this without needing drag coefficients?
  7. that's the thread I've been looking at, and @K^2 specified some other weird formula that I've not seen before, which really confused me. now I just need to figure out how to add additional deltaV for atmosphere... 4gH/Vt but how do I calculate surface terminal velocity?
  8. Thanks, but that equasion says v = sqrt( GM / r ) where GM is CelestrialBody.gravParameter, and 'r' being the radius of orbit (assuming it's a perfect circle, which really, never happens) having computed that, my debug log shows: Gilly G=0.0490667567239553 OrbitV=12.166589067956 OrbitAlt=56000 I'm not sure if thats' right or if I'm doing it wrong. 13 dV seems a bit low?
  9. I'm trying to calculate dV to get to orbit, tho I'm not so sure about the formula I was given... we'll see.
  10. sqrt((r2/r1)GM/a) I've computed R values (both equal), but I just need GM and whatever 'a' is
  11. Nope, here's the debug output of .gravParameter, for each body: --- Begin Body List--- Mu: 1.17233279483249E+18 Sun G=17.1365654964294 Mu: 168609378654.509 Moho G=2.69867173862968 Mu: 8171730229210.87 Eve G=16.6826981269693 Mu: 8289449.81471635 Gilly G=0.0490667567239553 Mu: 3531600000000 Kerbin G=9.81335156413656 Mu: 65138397520.7807 Mun G=1.62901629764501 Mu: 1765800026.31247 Minmus G=0.490667585518345 Mu: 301363211975.098 Duna G=2.94400558622524 Mu: 18568368573.144 Ike G=1.09909540910873 Mu: 21484488600 Dres G=1.1285354298757 Mu: 282528004209995 Jool G=7.85068136829352 Mu: 1962000029236.08 Laythe G=7.85068136829352 Mu: 207481499473.751 Vall G=2.30613761172288 Mu: 2825280042099.95 Tylo G=7.85068136829352 Mu: 2486834944.41491 Bop G=0.588801080687464 Mu: 721702080 Pol G=0.372907359437189 Mu: 74410814527.0496 Eeloo G=1.68789652635378 --- End Body List ---
  12. R: 56000 Gilly G=0.0490667567239553 yeah, that was a mis-paste the R goes before the body name... (body name is logged outside the constructor...)
  13. snippet from my code: { const double addedAltitude = 10000; Name = body.bodyName; GeeASL = body.GeeASL * G; Selected = body.isHomeWorld;// Name.Equals("Kerbin"); var R = body.Radius + (body.atmosphere ? body.atmosphereDepth : body.minOrbitalDistance) + addedAltitude; var C = Math.PI * (R * R); Log("R: {0}", R); } and the output from my debug log: Gilly G=0.0490667567239553 R: 680000
  14. I can't find any Mu constants in the referenced assemblies, do I have define it myself? not sure how to write: 6.67408(31)×10−11 m3⋅kg−1⋅s−2
  15. nevermind, I've decided to simply add 20Km from sea-level radius, as nothing (I know of) will even reach that high, and only 10Km for bodies with atmospheres.
  16. nope, I'm not getting the distance from the active vessel, I'm computing the highest point of a celestrial body
  17. I'm trying to programically determine the 'low orbit' of a body, which is 10km above the highest surface peak or above it's atmosphere, which ever is greater. but, I don't know how to [quickly] find the highest terrestrial point. anyone know?
  18. perfect. awesome. thanks
  19. new question: what if the body is tidally locked? does that still count as rotation?
  20. What's the math formula to compute the Delta-V required to reach full orbit around a specific celestial body from it's surface, including atmospheric pressure, if applicable? sure, I could look at the cheat-sheat chart, but I wanna know the formula.
  21. I'm currently working on converting Gary Court's KORC to an in-game version with automatic part detection and automatic celestial body detection, so it should work with other mods, in theory. below is the [uncompleted] UI, I'm quite proud of being able to figure out the new Dialog UI stuff, with the help and support from other mod devs, thanks guys/gals! <3
  22. Well, after some testing, I can't figure out how to validate the input - if I want a number-only field, I can get the text just fine, but setting that text doesn't seem to have any effect.
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