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Everything posted by Xyphos

  1. I've been trying for 3 days now to land something on Moho, that 4000+ dV insertion burn plus controlled decent is a real PITA to manage.
  2. well, if we're going to compare pen sizes... Social Anxiety Disorder Type-2 Bipolar, (non suicidal) Chronic Insomnia Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome Multiple Personalities (I have a non-physical twin...) I managed to deal with my ADHAD, but it still comes and goes.... Selective OCD! somethings bother me greatly while other things don't, it's mostly triggered by my keen sense of pattern recognition. My parents were step-siblings before they got married, so they're technically indirectly related; imagine the psyche treatments when I was a teen...
  3. I made a Bee back in 2015. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/115367-i-almost-got-stung-by-a-bee-today-irl
  4. if you don't like the 1.25m engines, feel free to edit the cfg file to your liking, nobody's forcing you to play stock. it's either that or tweakscale the rhinos, your pick.
  5. then that equates to 240 tons maximum, and the "how heavy" question has been answered without the need to build / launch a vessel. if the engine limit was removed, then I'd give it a try, but then everyone will be comparing vessel sizes, and proclaiming "mine's bigger!"
  6. So I was eating at a restaurant earlier today, laptop next to me and KSP running, the waitress came up and asked if I was ready to order... me: "I'll have the Ruben" her: "Sorry, we're out of that" me: "I'll have the chicken sandwich." her: "we're out of that too." me: "steak sandwich?" her: "nope." me: "well, what do you have?" her: "April Fools jokes." me: "Oh, well that's not funny, I suffer from untreatable Kessler Syndrome. you shouldn't tease people like that!" *pokerface* her: "*gasp* oh my gosh, I'm soooo sorry. I'll put in your order for the Ruben."
  7. Aircraft engines will never reach orbit, you'll need rocket engines for that, and Rapiers are guide-lined to one per 15 tons of payload/fuel, with an engine limit of 6, that means your craft must not weigh more than 90 tons, or it will probably never reach space, and if it doesn't reach space, you can't call it a spaceplane. but since we just determined a 90-ton limit, this challenge is moot. not even going to bother.
  8. I started KSP and the load screen had Nyan cat flying across it. is that an Easter egg or something?
  9. I'm sure someone will create a simple .cfg patch/mod that will reverse the animation and put it's internal physics data back to it's retracted state, it's not all that hard to do, actually. but I'm glad this part exists, now my giant asparagus-fueled Eve return rockets don't need the 49x 3.5m heatshields under the main engines.
  10. Huh, must be a tribute or something, me thinks we should return the favor with another easter egg on Kerbin
  11. title. I want to test 1.1 but I only bought the steam version, was wondering how to get to test?
  12. I'll have to download 1.1 for the performance increase so I can show you my 900+ ton stock VTOL SSTO spaceplane with all the bells and whistles. the 300+ parts lag it to hell tho.
  13. Yeah, "getting X mass to destination Y" isn't really a problem, it's keeping the cost and part count minimal that is. 140 tons, 1400 tons, even 14000 tons all can get to orbit, but it gets quite expensive, in both kredits and komputation.
  14. YEAH, I realized after I landed it that I should have looked at the instruction manual, but that's just how things go; "I'm an Engineer, I don't need instructions!" 80 tons is easy, I personally have a 1002-ton SSTO spaceplane, I'll make a video of it later.
  15. Well, it kind of matters if you're making a rocket-powered SSTO heavy cargo plane; set a TWR of 0.7 and let the wings do the lifting, but Mammoths would perform better below 7500 meters. once you're above 7500, you're best off toggling over to twin Rhinos all the way up. I recently learned this from my tests, got a 129 ton payload to LKO this way; previous attempts with Mammoths-only proved unfruitful.
  16. Challenge Accepted I used an over-engineered skycrane to lift it to a very sub-optimal orbit around Kerbin before arranging a rendezvous with the Mun, and expertly landed it. please note that I do have informational and other aestetic mods installed, but I'm using all stock parts, stock SAS and no mechjeb auto-pilot. the 600+ parts used lagged my computer while recording the video so I had to edit it for time; the 124 minutes it took to land was cut down to less than 10.
  17. Mammoths & Vectors have a max ISP of 315, Rhinos have a max ISP of 340. Rhinos make for a great middle-stage and they were designed for that purpose. However on Kerbin, Rhinos will have an ISP less than 315, meaning it's better to use Mammoths & Vectors below 7500 meters. I recently tested this, and Rhinos don't achieve 315 ISP until 7500 meters in Kerbin's atmosphere. Just thought I'd share this.
  18. oh yeah, I heard about this, something about objects moving faster than they're supposed to (or at least appear to) - I suspect time-dialation because recently we've been able to prove such a thing exists when two black holes merged.
  19. everything is orbiting something, the moon orbits the earth, earth orbits the sun, the sun orbits a black hole, but what does the black hole orbit? and what does that object orbit? and so on, and so fourth....
  20. OBJECTIVE: Build an asymmetrical flame-out vessel to perform somersaults and ultimately land on top of the VAB. RULES: 1) STOCK PARTS ONLY 2) Decouplers must be zero-force, you cannot use decouplers to alter your trajectory. 3) gimbals must be locked, you cannot alter your trajectory using gimbals. 4) you cannot use wings or control surfaces to alter your trajectory. 5) you cannot use RCS to alter your trajectory. 6) you CAN use normal pitch/roll/yaw steering. 7) you CAN use throttle control. 8) you CAN use aerodynamics to control your decent. SCORING: 1 point per flip (counted as blue sections in your navball) 1 point per KM traveled (scored when your vertical speed indicator points to zero) 10 points for landing on a KSC building such as SPH, the pool or the helipad. 100 points for landing on the VAB. SUBMISSIONS: All submissions must be in the form of a video, no screenshots, sorry! REWARDS: I don't art so if someone can create a sigbadge, thanks! SCOREBOARD: 1st place: (none yet) 2nd place: (none yet) 3rd place: (none yet) PARTICIPATION TROPHIES: (none yet) GOOD LUCK!
  21. adding my two sense to this: also try to aim as close to the surface of Tylo as possible, the lower you are, the stronger the gravity and better the braking. one time I had a vessel actually break a solar panel off by scraping it along the surface as I slingshot around it.
  22. Well, in my experience, it's 3 minutes for rockets and about 7 minutes for rapier-powered vessels, even longer if there's a lot of parts involved due to physics lag.
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