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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. No idea. It should be easier, though. I also wish meta tags weren't removed. I see what you mean.
  2. I see the button which says "See their activity," but I don't see this other thing, are you on mobile?
  3. Oh, that makes sense. I never browse the forums on mobile, so that makes sense. I'll add a disclaimer on the OP.
  4. Awesome! You can make the lights cast no light, but still look light up by tweaking the color sliders all the way down.
  5. You mean like this: Italics Bold Or any of the other BBcode which still works in the editor? Maybe you just demand table bbcode.
  6. True, but I think I'll leave it as it is, since it's a bit confusing to suddenly start talking about model rockets halfway through. Thanks!
  7. Should I add this to the OP? I don't think you can turn that off. Yes: Click on "search," then the drop-down to the left of search, click the "Advanced search" the "+search by tags." I don't think so, but I'll try to find out. Strange, but it may not merit addition to the OP. I will add that.
  8. Thanks for the info. Also, Kuzzter, have you seen "Warning from space?" Also, this comic's trope: [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CounterEarth?from=Main.Counter-Earth]Counter-earth
  9. I have mine set up like this: Which is what I've posted in my thread on the changes, but I realize your way works more like the old forums. Would you mind if I used your image instead of this one on the thread?
  10. But there's one more problem: I've already got 10 or 15 replikes since the forum change, and then they would be worth less.
  11. What I've heard is that IPS4 natively supports BBcode, no plugins required. It was just disabled slightly here. I think that's Kevin 7 was confused.
  12. Here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/108969-102may12-nooffsetlimits-removes-limits-for-part-offset-in-editor/
  13. Usrename in the upper right corner> manage followed content.
  14. In some ways, I agree. There are some very nice features in it, and a lot of the major problems are being fixed.
  15. Almost nothing, the new forum software has taken up most of my KSP time.
  16. How would you feel if I made it 3t in the SPH, but broke some of the parts off later?
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