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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. 50 It seems to say the ultimate winners, although that doesn't make sense to me. Either way, I think we're into the MoD.
  2. 52 This is the last post before we are into boosting. That is, if the negative team wins. If the positive team wins, we could have boosted as much as we wanted.
  3. Thanks! Sorry I've not been on yesterday, I was away from the computer. Wow. 55 installs? Practice makes perfect. You're welcome! If you're ever able to do one, just say. You're welcome! Thanks! You're welcome, I always try to include a bit of everything, modded, unmodded, crafts from better-known and less well-known builder. You are welcome, and I'll edit it.
  4. Admiral Shirley! What will she have to say about this mess? Surely she won't ignore our hero's plight!
  5. Remember the old resource monitor? That was terrible. So much better now.
  6. How does PMing HarvestR result in an infraction?
  7. Pfft. Amatuer. This was when I started a new save because of lag opening the folder. Although still not as many as Ghostbuzzer7. - - - Updated - - - I will sign you up.
  8. I recently realized how many craft are in my folder has to do with how quickly it loads in-game, it must take weeks for you.
  9. 10/10 On my friends list. Your who uses stock ships anyway? video's link goes to [.com/B, I don't think that's how it's supposed to work.
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