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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. I love the Un-snik sound effect too. Take a look at this: That's right, the aerospikes re-attached themselves! EDIT: Tinfoil hat on.
  2. Welcome aboard! There are lots of Tutorials here to help you build your rocket, and if the info you're looking for isn't there, you can try asking here.
  3. Wernher: Majorjim Gene Kerman: Sal_Vager, anyone who has ever written a tutorial.
  4. Neat! I've noticed this, but never thought of it as much more than an interesting thing.
  5. It doesn't. Neither does unbreakable joints. It seems to make it harder to break stuff, but not impossible.
  6. No offense, I love your replicas. I tried that, but it was inaccurate, weak, and non-reusable. The poke cannon can take down the SPH.
  7. YargJay9991, and I will be away from the forums over friday, just so you guys know.
  8. Well, it sounds good. I think I'll try it.
  9. HYPE!!! Alright, I have a couple of images for the hypetrain:
  10. The interlude name text is different! Also, note: Gemmane Kerman, not Kermulan. Did the last part of the interlude happen in another star system?
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