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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. Make sure you're sitting down before you look at this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/137818-Hype-Train-1-0-5-The-Local-Train-Route
  2. You got it first, but it was called the fireflash. Please make a remote controlled cart to land it on.
  3. Note: I'm listed as being in 23rd place, but if you check the numbers, you will see that it's just that the list is out of date.
  4. Just look at all this hype: And I'll just quietly, quickly walk over there...
  5. I feel like I've heard that the new software may not have rep. Not sure about where I heard it, though.
  6. I bought a couple of days ago, and I'm still learning it. Any tips? All of my ships look like bricks. Thanks!
  7. Have some rep. It's not CGI, it's special effects. Not to sound pedantic or anything, but there's a difference. Plus, I don't think special effects can date a TV series. The plots are timeless, and that's what counts. Have some rep for that. Personally, I don't think the new series will be very good. Back in the days of TOS, star trek was a small budget, not incredibly popular TV show, so it could get away with trying some amazing things. When ST: WOK came out, it really started to become a "franchise" IMO, in that people were making enough money off of it that it couldn't try such avant-garde stuff.
  8. I'm afraid I'm not fully on board the hype train this time, because I recently bought space engineers. I still think KSP is great, and I love all the new features.
  9. As I understand it, it involved multiple people, with other accounts on the forum, making an alternate account. That is not against the rules, and it's exactly like the SQUAD account.
  10. Looks like at between 14:00 and 15:00. The time is now 12:24, so it could be a while.
  11. There's no sticky in the daily kerbal! It must be being written as we speak!
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