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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. Psychic warp? So, you can see the future at an accelerated rate? On topic: I don't count missions with modded parts as real missions. I've landed a rover on Laythe, but it doesn't really count since it was modded.
  2. I see a mod button there, a mod list might be useful in solving the issue. Thanks!
  3. My sub is not neutrally buoyant. It floats, as long as I stay still. When I start to move, I pitch down, and sink. If I stopped, I would have risen. As it was, I accidentally knocked off a ore tank. So I blew the rest of them, pitched up 45 degrees, and gave it full throttle. When I broke the surface, I flew back to land, and crashed on land.
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