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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. Looks great, and welcome to the forums! The arrangement of drogues and normal parachutes is clever.
  2. [quote name='CommanderSpock']I would be open to maintaining it a week if you would like.[/QUOTE] [quote name='pTrevTrevs']I can possibly do a week as well, but my schedule has been very unpredictable as of late and will probably remain so until after Christmas. Go ahead and out me down wherever you need me, but have an alternate ready just in case I'm busy.[/QUOTE] I'll add both of you.
  3. [quote name='Kaboom!']You evil ........... Can I buy the Solar Panels and Batteries?[/QUOTE] You can buy solar panels and batteries, but not THE solar panels and batteries.
  4. Great work! SSTOs that can travel to the Mun are very hard to build.
  5. What, command chairs aren't mach rated? [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Oh. Looks like it's "Tuesday" again.
  6. Since 9/1/15 I've read 34 books. Mostly from the library, though. Most recently, I've read The Martian. I've also read some Terry Pratchett.
  7. [quote name='Kaboom!']I doubt that does much for power though, as most of the time when power goes out it's from wind or severe storms.[/QUOTE] Solar panels AND batteries.
  8. *Has rooftop solar* *Grins evilly while reading posts*
  9. [quote name='smjjames']If you're going to go the Star Trek sort of route, you should introduce the Kerlingons at some point. :) Just an idea. Whether the more ruthless TOS Klingons or the more honorable TNG/DS9 Klingons is up to you.[/QUOTE] To me, the name "Kerbulan" suggests honorable TOS romulans. [quote name='Trios']So all of Duna Ore Bust and Eve: Order Zero is actually just fiction written by Kenlie Kermulan. [URL]http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AllJustADream[/URL] [URL]http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OrWasItADream[/URL] ???[/QUOTE] But wait! In kerbfleet, Kenlie is writing STKQ (I messed that up, didn't I?) fiction! And it's all written by Kuzzter, so in an alternate reality there's a Kuzzter writing about how awesome congressional budget cuts and paperwork are, using pictures from the video game [I]Human Space Program![/I] *Tinfoil hat* [quote name='Dman979']And those worked because he went [noparse][noparse][spoiler=Spoiler Title][/spoiler][/noparse][/noparse]. I did the same, but with an extra noparse.[/QUOTE] Let's get some [noparse][quote] [/quote][/noparse] [quote name='Kenlie']BBCode involved, to increase the fun![/quote] ETA: Sounds like you have an evil overlord, don't forget to use this: [URL]http://www.eviloverlord.com/lists/overlord.html[/URL]
  10. [quote name='Tw1']But [URL]https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/orbital_mechanics.png[/URL] My thinking is more that these games help you understand gravity and orbits in a much more intuitive way than most most other ways of seeing learning about it. Which would be better for writers who are less sciencey people. Remembering a fact you've read is not as easy as having your own experience come back to you. [SIZE=1]Then again, the times listed here may not be long enough to have that much effect. [/SIZE] Delta-v is pretty important. Idk though, most of the time, fuel requirements are made a non-issue by the existence of super efficient engines, so atm, I'm thinking it's a slightly too technical. Knowing things like when they need to fire the engines, and the way things move in orbits when not under power, etc, are more likely to have an outcome on the way an author writes a story, IMHO. [SIZE=1][...][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Maybe it shouldn't be a requirement, but an optional alternative to... something? Yes, but remember pt. 1 of John's law: any [I]interesting[/I] space drive is a weapon of mass destruction. It only matters how long you want to wait for maximum damage. Although, it's true that it could be worked around.
  11. [quote name='zekes']Here's some more pictures. [URL]http://i.imgur.com/nUGHUaf.jpg[/URL] [URL]http://i.imgur.com/h4r6KJx.jpg[/URL][/QUOTE] EPIC. Turning on all the lights probably would crash KSP.
  12. [quote name='selfish_meme']The second stage is the core stage, the Soyuz 2 had a third stage. [URL]https://rocketsciencenews.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/soyuz1_2_3_transition_1.jpg[/URL][/QUOTE] Sorry, I'm always getting those confused. Yeah, I mean a third stage.
  13. Here's my computer specs: CPU: Two Intel core 2 CPUs 6700 @ 2.66Ghz Memory: 8 gigs OS: Windows 7, 64-bit Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GSO 512 Hard drives: Hitachi HDT725025VLA SCSI Disk device, and; WDC WD25 00KS-00MJB0 SCSI Disk device Keyboard: Great old mechanical keyboard, I can't find it by googling the model number Mouse: Logitech optical mouse, has a small problem with the power cord Joystick: Logitech extreme 3D pro Monitor: LCD 1280 X 1024.
  14. [quote name='selfish_meme']Wow the Thud version has a TWR of 5.5! it streaks off the pad, pretty sure it can just make it to orbit, but it looks so much cooler doing it. Watch for Korolevs cross! It is so cool I want to release it. [URL="https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8-nkDP75eETRm5JSWhtSkpFMnc"]Craft[/URL] [URL]http://i.imgur.com/nX7tIoH.png[/URL][/QUOTE] Just so you know, it's still missing a second stage.
  15. [quote name='PineCone']0 (+1) Aaaaand we're neutral again. Get some sleep, SpaceplaneAddict.[/QUOTE] -1 [-] Revert.
  16. [quote name='Kuzzter'][...] As for where Kerbfleet goes next--that's already decided. Actually it's been decided for a while. So if you want to spam for a particular location or another, I think there are other threads for that. Or just go there yourselves, I'm not a ****** charter service. :)[/QUOTE] "Dammit Jim, I'm a comic author, not a charter service!"
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