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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. You're welcome! No promises, but that sounds interesting. I could start with early human colonization of earth, and then talk about colonization on the most easily colonized worlds...
  2. Well, lasers travel at the speed of light, so han saw the shot at the same time as he shot, so they both shot at the same time. Now, if you were in a train traveling at the speed of light, the laser would look rep, because of the Doppler effect. Also, han's shot would never reach greedo.
  3. Yes, I have that constel build on the back burner, since it's broken my orion, and I didn't have enough delta-v in my last test.
  4. Well, since it kind of went away, I felt that it's time had come. If people want, though, I could continue with it.
  5. Hmm, I don't know. Maybe only in some of the cockpits? Or the IVA is smaller, with a smaller version of a kerbal in it?
  6. I added a poll for who should do next week's. DO NOT VOTE FOR THE EXTRA OPTIONS, THEY'RE THERE FOR IF SOMEONE ELSE SHOWS UP!!!!! It should expire on Thursday.
  7. Nice work! I'm going to put a poll on the other thread to choose the next maintainer. Please vote! If someone else offers to do it, I may be able to get them added to the poll.
  8. A joke, which I started. Basically, the forum has a option to hide your rep, and instead of green bars, you see one white bar. I made a parody of LGG in which I complained (jokingly) about everyone on the list. I am no longer maintaining it.
  9. Seriously, I expect some kind of smartphone edition. After all, trainz did it, and I would get that.
  10. ---------------------------------------------^ You're only mistake was in the eyes open bit. ----------------------------% you're on;t masitake was in the eues open bit.
  11. Another graphic novel to follow! Nice work. Do you hit kerbals with whack-a-kerbal to get ragdoll poses out of them?
  12. I have another 2 posts. I'll stop bumping after this, but I think they're my best yet.
  13. That's about how I felt when I first installed it, but very soon I started to see how useful it was. My only complaint is that it moves to fast. I use shift all the time with it. I used to use SPH more than VAB, because I couldn't get inside my craft. But now I use WASD editor cam. I can use either, depending on whether I'm building a rocket or a plane.
  14. I believe they are actually inside the part, that's why IVAs are so hard to build, they have to fit into the actual pod. Sometimes retro-future or B9 bugs out and leaves IVAs on the runway or floor of the SPH/VAB.
  15. I notice that that list has PS4 and PS4, but not non-u-wii.
  16. No "table shot first" option. Actually, I voted Han, since that scene is an important point in character development.
  17. Yes, my resolution is the closest to square available.
  18. Yes, here's the wiki page on it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery_Science_Theater_3000 That thing is Tom Servo:
  19. Mystery science theater 3000. It was a show that spoofed bad movies, by providing a commentary. It was done by one guy, but inside the show he had robot helpers.
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