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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. That's a great idea, but my monitor doesn't swivel like that, maybe I could jury rig something. I might experiment by setting KSP's resolution to something like that.
  2. Probably, since it's a completely new version of unity.
  3. Okay, I have no doubt that you can build without it.
  4. That's very interesting about the CRTs! 1280x1024 is actually very nice for KSP, since most rockets are vertical. The only problem is that the GUIs (stock & mod) are a bit big since most people have more screen real estate. But in the editors the resolution really shines. Not a huge number of pages of parts, and they're right near the working area.
  5. Have you ever tried WASD editor cam? Really awesome mod for building, let's you get really close to every part in the craft. It made the SS1 not a complete nightmare. Not really relevant, I know, but it really makes building easier. I think the WiiU will be up to KSP because of performance improvements in KSP.
  6. I guess I'll never be an admin. I couldn't resist pressing everything. For science!
  7. When 1.0 dropped, I added this to my list of things to do instantly on start-up, along with part clipping.
  8. First one: Camera tools, plus spamming F1. Second one: Spamming F1.
  9. Yep, I'm happy to clip 500 wings, if that makes it look and work like original.
  10. So far I've made 2 KSP GIFs, and they're very fun to make! Have you made some? Want help making them? Post here! And now my absolute favorite KSP GIF:
  11. I looked it up: It's actually Vaal, and it was in the second season.
  12. Wow! Let me test that... asdasdfadsfdsfdsfdfadsfjkl It works! Thank you!
  13. It must be, I just wondering if it was a known bug. Thanks!
  14. Does anyone experience a forum bug where, sometimes if you start typing a word that you forgot in a sentence, it doesn't push the text forward, but instead removes it, one letter at a time?
  15. If you go advanced, you can specify how far ago to look. E: [noparse]is love, noparse is life[/noparse]
  16. No longer surprised by console ports. Too bad, I have the wii (not u), it being the only gaming console I own, and I would buy KSP for it.
  17. I thought it was from star trek! "Val... He hungers! He needs his people!"
  18. 4354! That's like.... Wow.... I think I have 1 tenth that many... Well, ZooNamedGames started a RP forum on lefora, and it has notifications, but they send you a email! I can't have 100 emails every time I turn on my computer. Plus, it wouldn't unsubscribe from them the first couple of times... and lefora is slower than KSP with a 600 part craft... Sorry, now I'm just whining about lefora. I really hope that's not the next forum software.
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