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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. Nice work, everything I build comes out as a replica. Also, I can't build SSTOs to save my life.
  2. 200-250 Parts, and this is on a computer which can run trainz simulator 2010 with high graphics, with almost no lag. In other words, how much lag can YOU handle?
  3. Effectively, it makes a scrolling, sliding, or bouncing piece of text, here's some example usage: <marqu.ee>This text will scroll from right to left</marquee> <marqu.ee direction="up">This text will scroll from bottom to top</marquee> <marqu.ee direction="down" width="250" height="200" behavior="alternate" style="border:solid"> <marqu.ee behavior="alternate"> This text will bounce </marquee> </marquee> Here's a page on it's use: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/marquee I can't imagine how this could cause a problem, but then again, this is the internet. E: Search google for: "marquee html" you will get a nice easter egg.
  4. Is "Marquee" as a word filtered out? marquee marqu.ee Or is it in BBcode tags [marquee]thing[/marquee] .........> [noparse][marquee]thing[/marquee][/noparse]
  5. Wouldn't that be 32 reasons, as 32 bit already exists? So you would have 32 NEW reasons? Clearly, we're getting 96 bit KSP.
  6. 60%, 70%, I CAN'T STAND IT! Thanks so much for the awesome gift! The textures are miles ahead of your old ones, but the white is a bit to white, you might want to consider a faint bit of grey in it next time. Okay, bugs: The paddlewheeler smokestack has it's node reversed, if you try to attach it directly to the deck node of the LF hull, it doesn't work, it does work if it's rotated 180, so it's pointing straight down. The promenade has no stack node on the bottom, don't know whether that's a problem or not. Paddlewheeler quarters-crew's lights don't work. I can't quite understand where I should put the side wheelers, on the deck and rotated down, or on the side. I'll launch it and see what else I can find.
  7. Where isn't it disabled? What does misuse mean? Isn't it just like BBcode, except more things use it? Thanks!
  8. I think the red stripes were removed. What bugs me with ven's is the jets. The basic doesn't look like a jet, and the turboram has a huge collider bug, making it almost unusable. I kind of like the ISRU parts, they don't match everything, but they do look good to me. Especially the sensors, roverdude bothered to make the back of them not be just a solid color. That's the kind of detail that makes those parts. I kind of like the skipper, but the grey nozzle extension on the mainsail... NASA parts: Way too fuzzy, and a bit grey. The new antennas, I think, will be changed to be more thin. I think the 2.5 meter parts and the 1.25 meter parts both look okay... by themselves. When you start combining them, they look... strange.
  9. Nice! Ahh! Too bad. I would live on Kerbal road.
  10. So, is HTML working? <a href="http://imgur.com/z97Wf1h"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/z97Wf1h.png" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>
  11. No, I was using "Default Thread Age Cut Off:" under "Thread Display Options" in general settings in my account.
  12. Nice! What's the top speed of the non-rocket one? Did you use a basic jet, turboramjet, or RAPIER?
  13. "We have amazing technology, but all we use it for is to kill other people!"
  14. I used that mod for quite a while, but I had to stop because it added new parts, and I was forgetting which ones were revamps, and which were new. Plus, you can't make a stock replica with different models and textures.
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