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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. 8/10 Thought it was a reference, searched for it in quotes, got zero results on google.
  2. That was my guess too, but the engine is strong enough for a powered landing on the moon, so I have trouble imagining it being so low acceleration that it couldn't do a TLI from GTO in one burn. Also, in this official simulation it waits multiple orbits between each periapsis burn: http://spaceil.com/live/
  3. I appreciate that they properly credited Northrop Grumman though.
  4. Wow, SciFi shipyards is some nostalgia. Does anyone remember B9? And Spaceplane Plus? And the Lazor mod? And FASA?
  5. BetterBurnTime BetterLoadSaveGame Craft Manager Easy Vessel Switch Editor Extensions Redux Flight Manager For Reusable Stages Missing History (The only necessary parts mod) Persistent Rotation Precise Maneuver Tweakable Everything Personal favorite, but probably not favored by many: WASD Editor Camera
  6. Anyone have any good data on the LEROS engine, as used by the Beresheet lander? Someone asked me about the long transfer time, and it has somewhat to do with low TWR forcing the burn to be split up. But I don't know which variant of the engine is being used, and news articles have said that it was modified by increasing thrust and decreasing Isp. This is the data on the "stock" LEROS engine: https://www.moog.com/literature/Space_Defense/Spacecraft/Propulsion/Upper_Stage_Engines_Rev_0913.pdf Also, it looks like Beresheet will be waiting more than one orbit between each periapsis kick, any idea what that's about?
  7. Didn't see this tweet get posted yet: Referring to B1048, the one that launched tonight. Time to start placing bets on whether it survives. Second stage recovery is dead again:
  8. This is a good question, I think it has to do with the way we define conceptual constructs and how that relates to reality. I think it is 1 and 0 because we define it that way, treating a natural phenomenon (electricity) as a pure logical construct because it is close enough. The exact voltages may vary, but we can still say that a semiconductor (transistor) that is in an "on" state is equivalent to 1 (or a logical "true"), in the same way that we can say that a rocker tilted to the right in a marble machine is 1, even though it's exact position and rotation is never the same. For that matter, even the way our brains consider the concept of "1" is related to the physics of our brains.
  9. Perfect launch and landing from the first stage. Some nice plasma visible from the first stage, along with the second stage engine.
  10. It doesn't matter how colorful your calculator is when you can factor polynomials with it. https://i.imgur.com/GspixoW.gifv 119 lines of buggy code, written with a text editor and emulator on a desktop to avoid going insane.
  11. Another new name? Pinter injectors? I thought it was pintle.
  12. It's like this marble machine: Not exactly the same, but the marbles are kind of like electrical inputs. The machine doesn't count, so much as display what has happened to it in a way that can be read by humans or other machines. I don't know where binary came from, but all the first computers were mechanical.
  13. More importantly, I made a bigger dent in the real enemy: trees. The key for me with making train networks work is making a standard intersection blueprint, then using it everywhere, no matter where I'm trying to put tracks. This is only my second win, and the first after the science changes. It's a surprisingly hard game, especially considering it has no way to lose. The player dying is a minor inconvenience at best. I've started a few games between those though, this was the previous one: This is taken at maximum zoom out, the iron patch at the top left of the 2nd base is ~300M. I gave up on that one because I tried to build to megabase levels before I actually had the required resources, I was starting to run out of power, and the giant area I had cleared and walled off required a ridiculous amount of landfill for it to be usable. EDIT: The one before that died because of a nuclear death spiral, and I didn't have the time to try to fix it properly.
  14. I think NovaSilisko is working on this now: https://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=66163.0 https://twitter.com/NovaSilisko And this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cE_n5R-_2MU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aX73zG1Ri9c
  15. I think that's what we already have, based on their mass ratio. Maybe what we really need is aluminum and carbon fiber tanks, as up- or side-grades. Carbon fiber could offer the best mass ratio, but be expensive and not heat resistant, aluminum could be right in the middle.
  16. Also done! Despite my base being larger than @Shpaget's, it took me 10 hours longer. It's working at a solid 30 science/min though, and everything after blue science is built to a 60 sci/min spec. It's also almost entirely yellow belts. This shot is from later: Only big difference is the 1.4 GW nuke plant, from someone else's blueprints since I'm not very good at designing nuclear. I'm only pulling like 250 MW, but there's no build like overbuild.
  17. The LEGO Movie 2 credits song, just for having lyrics like these: "And we’re back, and still loving the credits Can’t wait to see the one about the person who edits And even better than that Is who edits the credits I bet I’ll never forget it, cause once I read it, then I read it I drove to the theater about 90 minutes late Skip the whole dang movie cuz the credits are great Now if you’re gonna be featured on a movie song The credits is the part that you wanna be on!" There's also a hilarious bit about the voice actors, but that isn't available on the internet, not even the lyrics.
  18. The factory continues to grow: Sadly imgur won't upload even heavily compressed screenshots taken at this zoom with console commands. Still pretty spaghetti free. I started using spreadsheets to plan my base to 60 SPM or 1 science/s, but only after I built blue science into the bus. So my bus is starved, but all the other science is backed up. The big empty area on the right is for rocket production, I've only build the silo so far though. Also, a river of copper and iron: I should really upgrade from yellow belts soon.
  19. It's possible that he really was the original creator, there's some info about him on the wiki you linked: https://www.alternatehistory.com/wiki/doku.php?id=offtopic:nixonshead If any of that sounds right, then it seems more than likely that you just ran into the online presence of someone you know in real life. A good way to bring it up might be to mention that a friend (or you) recognized the spaceship design from Eyes Turned Skyward. USB B is my favorite: solid feeling, easy to tell which way it goes in, and satisfyingly clunky to use:
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