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    Spacecraft Engineer
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    Inside Russell's Teapot.

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  1. about 9 in 10 worker people need green growing things for food. About 12 in 100 are growing food thing worker people. The work of these people has to do with water and land. Geez this isn't easy Let me try something easier. Boat racing is a sport in which boats, or other types of watercraft, race on water. Boat racing powered by oars is recorded as having occurred in ancient Egypt, and it is likely that people have engaged in races involving boats and other water-borne craft for as long as such watercraft have existed.
  2. Huh geez remember this guys? Nostalgia back when people had no idea of the road ahead.
  3. At that point it would be more of a mod than something the devs are likely to add. The more minimal the better.
  4. Squad already made a camera part for the asteroid day mod, but it was really just for science in general and you couldn't see anything. Maybe squad could add a camera that has a gui window like the orbital scanner. One part. It would be like the infared camera part. A camera like on Curiosity or Voyager or any other probe, for that lack of kerbals feeling. You'd get science the same way. Stoney3K makes a good point, with contracts to photograph things like eeloo or a certain biome, but I don't know about easter eggs. There could be a screenshot button on the gui
  5. I saw and yes I meant that and I know it did.
  6. It's 2016. 45 years ago was 1971. This was 2 years after the moon landing, and a DECADE after the first humans in space.
  7. Know what else happened in 1.1? They got rid of antennas.
  8. Hey can you send me your email please 

    1. AlextheBodacious


      @Badie It's my username @gmail.com

  9. I must have at least 400,000 hours of game time and am near san pedro, which next to LA.
  10. One word: Orbiter. It's like KSP but more realistic, considering it's based on earth and while it may be a little hard to start, it gets easy fast. I'm into World of Warships, which is like orbiter but with boats with big cannons on them.
  11. Finally! This is what I've always wanted[Citation Needed]! It'll be like having a real life space station. Now to integrate IVA movement, and but a VR headset.
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