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Everything posted by mrclucks

  1. Payload for the kerbin system takes anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes while interplanetary payloads take half an hour to a full hour. Transfer and return vehicles take about the same time, and launch vehicles will take about a quarter of that time. Then I launch and see how my launch profile goes, stage to my return vehicle and start reentry and see how my payload fairs under the atmosphere and how well my parachutes work. If everything goes successfully I may tweek a little to optimize a bit and if it doesn't go as planned then tweek more taking 10 to 30 more minutes. When I'm satisfied, I do my real launch so it takes somewhere between 20 minutes for a simplish rocket to 2 plus hours for a much more complicated one. Space stations will take much more time to optimize part count and resources and then you have to factor in any modules it will have and placement as well as tugs to move and/or rearrange it.
  2. Only problem you had with mechjeb was because your folder got updated . it was either a mod installed or game version installed, and that's why I always make a copy of my saved game. Mech jeb functions are unlocked roughly at the time you need them, but even basic mechjeb functions are unlocked at the start. No need for docking auto docking when you don't have docking ports
  3. Played career for the first time in 1.0 and my first interplanetary missions were supposed to be to go to fun and eve, pit stop at their moon, and come back. Eve craft was messing up. So I scrapped that( stage to reentry stage and use RCS to get pe to 30km and safely land). Got my first intentional interplanetary intercept without needing mechjeb, but still used it to execute the burn. Aerobraked into duna orbit and realized I didn't have enough to get to like and get back home. Plotted an intercept home, yadda yadda, get to kerbin going 4km/s with a pe of 40. Safety landed with a bit more than 2k science points and was able to unlock all but one of the last science nodes
  4. I find interplanetary roundevouz pretty easy. The hardest part is the amount of time needed and matching speeds
  5. I know you've found the problem but I'll input my .02 for launches 1 make it somewhat aerodynamic 2. Fins at the bottom, generally four is all that's needed 3. As few 'directional' factors as possible I'd gimbaled engines and SAS 4. Keep away from mach effects. I go as fast as possible but lower thrust if I see mach effects
  6. I found out about ksp around September and downloaded it in December. Ive been playing it between 3-10 hours a day depending on what I have to do and its been the only game I've played since then. I'd say its pretty high up on my list
  7. I've noticed the greatly enhanced load time too. For who ever is saying that files take more space, that is incorrect. Vanilla .90 took about 3 gigs of space while 1.x takes 1.5 gigs or less
  8. I'll test my parachutes when I test my whole rocket. Keep testing until my rocket can make a fairly efficient gravity turn and circulize. Then Ill get to an apoapsis that's barely in kerbin soi, lower periapsis to about 20 km. Go through my reentry and parachute procedure. This tests my gravity turn, ability to change an orbit by about 60-80 Mm in one burn, worst case scenario reentry and landing. My actual reentries are never in that much risk since I'll lower periapsis to 30km if I'm going slow and 50km or so with a powered deceleration if I'm going fast, and plus I'll have less fuel weight and thus will slow down a lot faster. If I'm just testing a craft that will stay in kerbin soi then I'll go straight up to save real world time
  9. I found poles and poles crater near the equator on minmus
  10. First make. Sure you have enough dv. Then you split up burns and burn at periapsis to take advantage of the oberth effect. Once your apoapsis is at the desired height, change your inclination to what you desire while at apoapsis Then you raise your periapsis at apoapsis to the desired altitude. Bonus points for combining the last two steps in one burn
  11. Pressing R will toggle between mirror symmetry and radial symmetry
  12. I'm still pretty new but here's my .02 Assuming you have RCS in all the right places and you're very close to the traget, you want to initially get your prograde vector pointed "forward/front" and carefully adjust using translational controls so prograde and target vectors are in the same place on the navball. Go slower rather than faster since you'll be more precise and save a bit of RCS, and you're less likely to go flying past your target. YouTube should have plenty of tutorials and all of them should be good regardless of the version
  13. In my expirence, a pe at is 35km low enough to bleed off a ton of speed and right above reentry effects. If I wanted to reenter safety without a heatsheild I'd get to an orbit with a pe of 60 and while I'm at pe I'd set the ap to 70-50. High low enough for full orbit aerobraking, but high enough to not burn up too much
  14. I've leveled up tourists and tried to roleplay that we got more money and created a potential kerbonaut
  15. I remember seeing Scott Manley's video about this and thought that this mod was stupid, however this was before I played career. Stage recovery is IMHO the best mod for recovering using only parachutes, but this mod would be best for any other recovery. I also think that extending physics range is a very bad idea since it would most likely eat up for processor and memory usage and is only not a bad idea in some rare situations
  16. I just worry about my dv. After designing my payload and transfer vehicle(s) I'll build an accent rocket that can get at least 3500 dv with a twr about 1.5/1.3. If the accent rocket would get too big then I have it built to about 3000 twr and add a circulizing stage with a twr of at least .9. The last thing I do is add boosters to get a twr of at least 2 for the first couple km. This is all while I'm struting, gimbaling and adding fins and fairings
  17. In .90 my must haves were mechjeb(for the tediousness) and ker for informational purposes, remote tech since I love building satellites, kerbal alarm clock for the obvious, and interstellar for the power and heat management and also for that super efficient engine. I also played with the strut mod and space y lifters to make it a bit easier to build rockets with minimum lag. In 1.x I'm having a love/hate relationship with reentry and aero. My must haves are the same as above, minus interstellar. I'm also playing with a few science mods, stage recovery, ambient light mod and a very small part mod for tiny SATs. Will be installing space y and seeing if interstellar got updated for 1.0.2.
  18. I just use stage recovery. I haven't been able to recover a stage from a deorbit burn, but stages from accent work perfectly fine. I'm not sure if you need to stage its parachutes when you decouple, but better safe than losing a few k
  19. To clarify, I ment would it be enough to start the fission/fusion reaction to make a star
  20. Quick side topic: Would detonating a nuclear bomb inside Jupiter be enough to turn it into a star, or what about something else that would implode inside Jupiter. (I don't have enough science knowledge to know if a nuclear bomb could be something that would implode, and these scenarios are assuming that the bomb and imploding device would not get destroyed on the way inside of Jupiter)
  21. According to the kardeshev scale, earth is about a type 0.73. A type 1 civilization is able to harness the amount of energy that falls on the planet, but there is a big risk for a civilization to wipe itself out shortly before achieving type 1 status. I believe that we are within 100-200 years of wiping ourselves out or becoming type 1 and if we make it to type 1, our decendents will continue on for many many billions or trillions of years
  22. Saw a friend launching a rocket and asked what he was playing. Forgot about it four about a month till I was bored at work and remembered kerbal space program. I watched a few random videos and my friend told me some guy named Scott Manley was a genius so I searched for him and watched an episode of interstellar quest. After that I was hooked and binge watched the episodes up to episode 90 something. I then bought the game and learned how to play from rewatching the whole series and watching all of his tutorials
  23. @Skyrender You don't need to do their itinerary in one trip. I've taken tourists to land on the moon(orbit and suborbital flight as well) returned to kerbin, and then taken them and another group to land on minmus to return and complete ten tourists itenarary before. Heck I split up itenerarys more times than not since some times its much easier to do two or three mini tours rather than one huge one
  24. Excellent professional diagram for seperatron placement. I'm still surprised that people use seperatrons though. I haven't had to use any since I was a wee kexplorer still trying to get to the mun. I find that if you place your decoplers in the center of mass of the empty tanks/engine stack, then they just slide past you after a second or two. It is pretty close and can seem super scary, but as long as you're not turning one way or another too much you should be good. I find that if I place the decopler 3/4ths down on the stack its pretty close to being balanced.
  25. -Tip over a bit around 75m/s and then follow prograde(fins enable you to turn SAS off and follow prograde until 40km or so) -Slow down. I get to my tip over speed as fast as I can and then after that keep it under 2 twr, reducing throttle even more when I see mach effects occurring - disable SAS for launch and only use your main/center engine gimbal for the turn and minor corrections After I launch, I rarely correction direction and pretty much only use throttle control. It may take a little while to understand the bew gravity turn, but after a few launches on a couple rockets, you'll get a feel for how a rocket should generally go
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