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Everything posted by Terwin

  1. You will need to use the WOLF parts and transportation network, but that should work fine once it is set up. Just make sure you have the GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\WOLF directory if you install MKS with ckan(it is available in the mks 1.4 and 1.4.1 zip files from github)
  2. If you are connecting surface->orbit, orbit-> orbit and orbit-> surface then you can wait to start the orbit -> surface leg until after you decouple, then you will not need to worry about the mass of your freighter as it is not part of the landing leg of the circuit. If you are able to refuel on the surface, then you can probably even get a very low cost landing as well. (a fueling depot in orbit might well allow a ssto to manage a very low cost surface->orbit leg as well, but I have not checked that, and the docking/undocking may affect the vessel ID or something)
  3. Any time you have a gravity well, you can take advantage of the Oberth effect to improve the effects of your burn. I think most of our gas giants have some radiation issues if you get too close, but other than that, you can always do a little bit of aero-breaking if you plan for it. I suspect it has not been done much due to both radiation concerns as well as uncertainty with regards to the atmospheric density at various altitudes, making it just safer to take along the extra fuel instead of risking an aero-braking maneuver.
  4. More that they would aggressively develop all available resources such that China would seem to have better environmental protections in comparison. Without something to 'thin the herd' or some sort of herd mentality(ie some reason for individuals to feel safer/happier with more crowding) it seems likely that overcrowding would lead to scenarios similar to that which caused 'rodent utopia' type experiments to end with the population dying out: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/how-mouse-utopias-1960s-led-grim-predictions-humans-180954423/ tl/dr: Rodent utopia experiments provide food and sanitation for a breeding population to see what happens when crowding increases without limit. Generally, after a certain level of crowding, the rodents develop 'Behavioral Sinks' and stop providing normal reproductive behaviors, causing the population to eventually die out completely in spite of plentiful food and decreasing crowding.
  5. The primary drivers for 'irresponsible' behavior in humans are competition for procreation and providing for offspring. So if their desire to reproduce is at least as strong as that of humans, then they will happily strip-mine their world(and any other they can reach) to make space for their children. Biological immortality and lack of war will only make this worse instead of better, as power and authority will accumulate over centuries instead of over decades, and crowding will climb without the safety-valve of war to drop crowding when it grows too fast. The best mitigation would be for them to be strongly herd-minded so that they find crowding to be a positive instead of a stressor. By the time they have the ability to leave their home world, domesticated animals may well be a rarity due to the resource cost being similar to having another child.
  6. Agreed post-birth special care/activities would need to be undertaken to stress the body to ensure a sturdy enough development to allow survival in a higher-gravity environment(similar to how astronauts must exercise more in space to reduce muscle and bone loss, but more so) The original supposition was that the child would be unable to survive the birth process without gravity to toughen it up during gestation, and that seemed less than plausible to me considering the gestational environment.
  7. As far as I am aware, a baby need not spend any time in any particular orientation aside from just before birth, and will spent a lot of time in a fetal position, which minimizes gravitational differential. Fluid resistance and fluid drag would be the same on earth or in microgravity.
  8. Isn't the womb a fluid environment where the fetus is basically at neutral buoyancy until it is nearly fully grown(at which point is unable to move freely due to lack of space, I think). Exactly how different is neutral buoyancy with a semi-random orientation from micro-gravity? I would expect the two to be rather similar... 40 meters is the maximum depth for recreational scuba diving, and even approaching that depth is hazardous because the partial pressure of nitrogen at that depth starts to affect the mind(look up 'nitrogen narcosis'). I would not want to try living at that pressure.
  9. It sounds like you might be missing a file or a supporting mod. If you installed MKS with ckan, try removing it and putting it back, or removing it and installing the mod manually.(the zips on github include all required dependencies)
  10. To check if a propulsion system in space can work, you put a box around it and ask 3 questions: 1) does anything leave the box? 2) does anything enter the box? 3) do the contents of the box push/pull against something outside the box? Unless you answer yes to at least one of those questions, the known laws of physics say that your box cannot move. Rockets, ion thrusters, orion, etc, say yes to #1 Solar sails and external laser propulsion say yes to #1 and #2(solar wind/laser enters, pushes on the craft, and then leaves the box) Anything in orbit uses gravitational pull between that object and the earth for #3 (a tiny pull from the vessel on the huge planet, and a reciprocal pull from the huge planet on the tiny vessel) The experimental magnetic systems I remember seeing also say yes to #3(pushing against the earth's magnetic field to make minor orbital adjustments if I remember correctly) The amount of acceleration that is provided is equal to the energy of whatever is leaving compared to the remaining mass inside the box for #1, or the difference between entering and leaving compared to the mass inside the box for #2, and for #3, acceleration is the total force put on the external object compared to the mass inside the box. This is true for any box of any size, so while sticking your arm outside the box might slightly shift the contents of that particular box(as the center of mass inside that box no longer includes your arm), but compared to a slightly larger box, the center of mass never moves. (yes, a box around the solar system lets you measure how much your ship traveling from Earth to Jupiter moved the center of mass of the solar system based on how much of your expelled reaction mass leaves the box compared to the mass of the soar system. Probably not at all unless you had a very high exhaust velocity however) If there is a box that can be drawn around your ship where nothing enters, leaves, or acts on an outside body, then the laws of physics say that the center of mass of that box will not move, regardless of how you rearrange the contents of that box.
  11. The really depends on what you are doing. If you are trying to create a rainbow table(a long list of pre-and post encryption passwords that you can then use to look up encrypted passwords to know the unencrypted values), you would obviously want to use a GPU as you are calculating the encrypted value for thousands of potential passwords and that can be done in parallel. Other activities may work better on a CPU, it all depends on what you are trying to do. (example: a rotating cypher like Enigma, where the encryption state changes for each character) In short, GPU is good for performing the same task in parallel, CPU is better for performing more convoluted or distinct tasks, just as magnemoe said. Note: 'cracking codes or encryption' covers a very broad range of activities, you would need to be much more specific to get a specific answer.
  12. RoverDude was saying KSP\GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\MKS\Patches\MKS_CTT.cfg is the file to check for any references to that node. For example, @PART[Tundra_Kerbitat375]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = longTermHabitation } indicates that the Tundra 3.75m Kerbitat should be in the longTermHabitation module.
  13. If you read that article, it points out that, assuming a world population of 10bln using British standard of living for 2009(because they have those numbers, but they round them up 25% for convenience), we have enough uranium and thorium in the united states to power the world for 100,000 years with a fuel cost portion of the energy at $0.0004 /kwh (@$3000/kg) (ignoring all other sources of power such as solar or oil) Unless you look at harvesting Uranium from seawater, which gives us another 64,000 years(ignoring the fact that uranium in seawater is currently in a state of equilibrium, suggesting that there are available deposits to re-dissolve and presumably in-flowing sediment from rivers and streams that will replace much of what we take out, letting the natural leaching of rain water slowly collect those 2.8ppm of uranium in the crust for us without strip-mining the whole planet) umm, this page: https://www.world-nuclear.org/information-library/current-and-future-generation/thorium.aspx from 2017 claims that there is 6.3 mln tons available at $80/kg. Your article above found a study from 1969 that said 3B short tons(2.7B metric tons) should be recoverable @$500/kg($~3000/kg today)(not including sea-water extraction as it was from 1969) According to this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thorium-based_nuclear_power Thorium is 3x as abundant as uranium in the earth's crust. Currently the cost of disposing of the unneeded thorium from rare earth mines is why we don't produce niobium in the US, as thorium is classified as a nuclear waste and makes such mining cost prohibitive compared to China.
  14. The community tech tree has a large number of nodes that may or may not be used by other mods. I strongly suspect that to fill all of the nodes, you would need to install enough mods that the conflicts would break your game. The alternative is to install the mod that hides empty nodes.
  15. There is one part(light globe) that does not work with KSP 1.10, you can either delete that part config(it stops on that part showing the path where to find it during game loading) or you can download an updated version fro github. Other than that, the latest version of USI-MKS works fine on KSP 1.10.1
  16. You will need to adjust compatibility so that you can see 1.7.x compatible mods. It is generally better to manually install, but you should see it in ckan if you check compatibility.
  17. You need an engineer outside your vessel, and I think some resources(materials kits and possibly specialized parts) to switch modules(Some parts need kits, other need kits+spec parts, others can swap with just an engineer, I forget which of those drills are) Generally if you have the 'X -> Y' with a button to change y, then a button to move Y into X, you require some resource that gets consumed, so I am pretty sure drills need more than just an engineer on hand to switch what a drill is harvesting. (for example: cargo containers just cycle through all options with one button, as they do not require any parts to change, so nothing is lost if you must cycle through several to get to what you want) The 50m parts('Atlas') are planed to be added along with W.O.L.F and they are slated to be added in the 'Next' version of MKS. (Originally 'next' was 1.8, I think, but then RoverDude got busy, and he has had less time to tweak the game balance/add finishing touches/etc. This delay *may* be related to RD contributing to KSP 2, or perhaps his real life just got busy). In any case, it is generally considered impolite to pester the modders about next/planed releases. (not that RD has ~180 followers[receiving email alerts] on this thread, ready to jump on W.O.L.F. as soon as it comes available, concerned about no more beta releases available from his twitch or anything)
  18. Do they have 2 SpaceX compatible man-rated docking ports? (plus one for the supply dragons) They need to keep one connected as an escape pod if tehre are any crew on board, plus one for bringing up additional crew. Also, I think Soyuz handles the refueling? So if Dragon does not offer that capability Soyuz will still be needed to top off the tanks.
  19. I like using KIS/KAS, as that adds a few tools(wrench and power screw-driver) that allow engineers to attach and detach modules. There are range limits and a weight limit based on the number of kerbals in-range, but those can be changed in a config file if they get too bothersome, or, you can install RoverDude's Konstruction mod which has parts that add to the amount of mass an engineer can move around using KAS(fork-lift parts, crane parts, etc) This also allows me to remove things that are no longer needed like engines, wheels, and reaction wheels, and reduces/eliminates the need for lots of docking ports(if I remember correctly, the number of available docking ports in physics range has an exponential impact on frame rates due to each one checking if each of the others are in-range)
  20. That looks sort of like the orbital construction yard for EPL(?) that I think is still included, but is hidden/disabled. You may need to move the config file out of a discontinued directory or something to get it back
  21. Being able to use uninflated ranger modules certainly sounds like a bug, and the auto-turn-off is likely related to that bug. Kerbals can go Tourist for multiple reasons. If they go tourist due to lack of EC or supplies, they can be brought back with EC or supplies, if they go tourist due to lack of habitation, they can be brought back by either improving habitation or a med-bay, if they go tourist due to an expired home timer, they can only be brought back by a med-bay. A med-bay uses colony supplies to reverse hab and home timers, but unlike a colonization module, it can reverse expired timers as well as unexpired timers(but it takes more colony supplies and the kerbal must be inside the medbay). I do not think the timers stop when a kerbal becomes a tourist, so if a kerbal has been a tourist for a long time, it is probable that only a med-bay can revive them. The mods made by Roverdude should be fine, and the GC, IR and Extraplanetary launch pads mods should also be fine(GC and IR are currently supported and EPL is formerly supported), that seems to leave the visual mods(which may or may not do more then just graphic enhancements), Better time-warp(anything that messes with offline processes is suspect and this mod may or may not do that), Instantiator and ModularFlightIntegrator First, try reinstalling all the USI mods manually as CKAN is notorious for messing up mod installations. If that does not work, it is time to start uninstalling mods one at a tie to determine the culprit. Instantiator says it is only compatible up throutgh 1.3.1, so I would try dropping that one first , followed by modularFlightIntegrator, then better time warp. I am pretty sure I have heard people mention using MKS with Kopernicus systems, so if the above steps do not work, your options are trying a fresh install or removing the visual mods to see if one of those is the culprit.
  22. Green is not the ideal color for photosynthesis on earth, but it was just what was left over as the pink/purple bacteria of the day were sucking up the easier to use wavelengths with competition too fierce for multicellular plants to evolve. You only see earth-clones on TV/movies because space-suit mock-ups are expensive, heavy, clunky, and uncomfortable, so they are not used unless essential for the plot, and that means earth-like worlds. Also, if you have the choice between building your base on an earth-like world and an equally strategic barren rock, which would you choose if you care about the morale of your workers/troops? Planetary ring systems are temporary, Saturn's rings are a geologically recent event and will be gone 'soon'(less than 100 million years). It is entirely possible that Jupiter, and even Earth may have had rings in their (distant)past, they just do not last very long when talking about planetary life-spans(and the in-fall is not great for those living under them).
  23. Once we have a few decades of experience with long-term space habitats, it should be fairly trivial to make one with lots of spare parts/resources, some high efficiency engines(probably something ion if nothing better by then),, and an etra-large fuel tank, and send them off to the best candidate systems. Especially if parasite craft would let it harvest any essential consumables from gas giants and small moons, even if the destination system does not have anything you might want to live on.
  24. If a full tank can pass through a vacuum portal, then a pipe passing through vacuum can also pass through a vacuum portal. Even if our current industrial vacuums are not up to snuff, I expect the cost incentives would ensure a solution is quickly found to allow a portal to be created in a terrestrial vacuum chamber which can have a pipe run through the portal.
  25. 1) You need a version of GC that allows manufacturing a kit off kerbin, I do not think that this version is currently included in MKS, so you probably want to install GC separately. You cannot select a different vessel for an already constructed kit, the vessel is set when the kit is created. 2) no clue, I never tried, this, I would build the bits then use KIS/KAS to add them to my base 3) GC has multiple components that can build kits, including a mobile construction unit(you still need to add wheels). I do not remember which MKS parts can build kits, but I think it should be any of the parts that let an engineer assemble specialized parts from refined materials.
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