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Everything posted by Terwin

  1. For when you really *NEED* to loft something that weighs as much as the ISS and takes less then 1000m^3 all in one go (at ~420tons, ISS could plausibly be lofted by 3 BFR-cargo launches)
  2. A 1.25m radial part is a part with a 1.25m diameter which can be surface(aka radially)-attached. Other parts can only be attached to nodes(aka in-line), such as most LF engines, nose-cones, and ISRU parts. Although many parts(most fuel tanks, SRBs, and many structural parts) can be attached both in-line and radially(allowing multiple parallel stacks).
  3. 0.10 what? 0.10g? 0.10m/s/s? Able to reverse the direction of any object travelling at less then 0.10c in no more than 1m? 0.10 Mcguffins per Foo?
  4. The viking 2 lander observed nighttime condensation(~ frozen dew) for 200 days in a row, so there is also atmospheric water available. (If we are pulling out the CO2, pulling out the water should be trivial) So even if it means processing a lot more martian atmosphere than would be needed strictly for the CO2, just processing the atmosphere would eventually provide everything that is needed for fuel.(night-time humidity often gets to 80%-100% in some regions, and pulling the water out of the air should be much less energy-intensive than separating out CO2 would be) https://www.space.com/29857-mars-humidity-alien-life.html
  5. I thought they had pictures of what appears to be the exposed face of basically a glacier with dirt on top of it, and these mostly pure massive chunks of Ice were identified in multiple locations, including at least one prospective landing site. This looks to be related to the article I read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glaciers_on_Mars
  6. The problem with HAL was that the military gave HAL a very high priority order to keep the actual destination/purpose of the mission a secret from the crew that was awake, not realizing that HAL, as a computer will obey the highest priority order absolutely, even to the point of trying to kill the crew if they were about to learn the secret that was supposed to be kept. (part of killing the cryo crew members was because they knew the secret and if they were woken up they might tell the awake crew members) The entire 'homicidal HAL' was just a simple case of 'be careful what you ask for' where the person who asked for something was not the one who suffered from that order. '2001: A Space Odyssey' is a book that was made into a movie. premise/plot: So no, not much to do with nuclear weapons. Quantum computing allows you to work with values that are a super-position of both a 1 and a 0, letting you thereby do math with a large set of numbers in parallel using one one set of (Q)bits. The more Q-bits you have, the larger the set of parallel numbers can be(3 q-bits can be 0-7, 4 can be 0-15, etc). There are a large set of problems that have been proven to be mathematically equivalent to factoring large integers(such as breaking most modern cryptography, which literally requires factoring a large number that is known to be the product of two large numbers), these are the problems that quantum computing is known to be capable of helping perform in greatly reduced time-scales, but will also require large numbers of q-bits(cracking a 2000 bit HTTPS session for example probably requires 1000 q-bits to crack in a single operation(although 100 q-bits may be able to crack it in more or less real-time))
  7. Presumably debris would be fairly recognizable if it did eventually crash, and at worst it would be a long time after the time of a planned crash, resulting in a smaller time for any contamination to expand(assuming it can)
  8. Keralism actually does scaled-down background processing, but in doing so changes the stock mechanics(which MKS relies on) and that is why Kerbalism and USI-LS/MKS are not compatible. I would suspect that it also puts a limit on how much stuff you can have outside the KSC, but I have never used Kerbalism, so I would not know. I believe that RoverDude is actually the one that implemented the catch-up processing in stock(for ISRU) which could be how he is able to leverage it so effectively.
  9. Intended line: I believe that nothing in the timers accounts for processes that consume resources or receive inputs, so both supplies and electricity will go down, even though the vessel itself never gets below full. I think I may have accidentally left out an o making part of 'accounts' a word that got replaced by the language filter.
  10. In USI-LS/MKS as in stock KSP nothing is run in the background, everything does catch-up in 6 hour increments when you get in range. I believe that nothing in the timers acolovely persons for processeses that consume resources or recieve inputs, so both supplies and electricity will go down, even though the vessel itself never gets below full. This is a conservative approach so that what you see is the minimum you can expect when you go back.
  11. Have you looked here? https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/98-making-history-missions/ Not sure if Squad is adding any at this time, but others seem to be.
  12. I was under the impression that this was a change that only applied when USI-MKS was also installed, because MKS has it's own system of making material kits.
  13. At orbital velocities even space-dust requires mitigation to avoid serious damage: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whipple_shield If a screw passing within 1 km of the space station requires the astronauts retreat to shielded areas, I imagine the thought of strewing small globules of mercury into orbit would cause all sorts of alarm at NASA.
  14. How about a 15 minute training video on using breath thrust. The average person breathes 7-8 liters/min or ~0.25 kg at seal-level Which can apparently be accelerated to > 40m/s : https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-maximum-air-velocity-which-can-reached-by-blowing-by-mouth Allowing an acceleration of about 0.1m/s/min for a 100kg human by just exhaling through their mouth with pursed lips. Pretty lousy for a space-craft, but pretty tolerable for the rare occasion of getting stuck a meter or two away form the nearest hand-hold should no one be around to help.
  15. That is a known bug that I believe is currently being worked on. It has to do with the non-visible parts being 'stored' several m away from the actual drill, so that trying to find the bounding-box for those parts returns a rather large box.
  16. You can transfer machinery between connected containers much as you can fuel. If you are using MKS, I believe you can also transfer it between near-by mks containers.
  17. Resource loads need to be connected to the sifter. I generally used a klaw on a rover with a small sifter. Once the lode was small enough I would carry it back to base to finish up. (planned but never really built a rover that would be good at carrying large lodes back to base)
  18. If you recover a vessel, then you are entitled to a salvage reward, and get a lien against the vessel that the owner must pay to get their vessel back(and if the vessel was already written off as lost, then the insurance will usually just tell you to keep the craft, and if you refuse, they will just not pay the lien, making the craft legally yours). So if we salvage an alien vessel outside of any jurisdiction, then according to our laws(assuming theirs are similar), we should get paid for the difficulty and expense of the recovery(capped at the value of the craft of course). Thus, if you don't know who the owner is, you can more or less just hold on to it(presumably after reporting it to the authorities) until a claim is made. So not a problem there either.
  19. Local authorities will frequently take possession of apparently abandoned vehicles on public property, and they are generally willing to collect unauthorized vehicles from private property as well. I would assume the major differences in impounding 'that pickup that someone crashed into your tree' and 'that flying saucer that crashed in your field' would be first in getting someone to believe you, and second the degree of care and protection involved in collecting the damaged vehicle. (A tow-truck driver may or may not be armed, but you can bet that whoever picks up a flying saucer will have military grade back-up once it is known to be legit) If the aliens want their ship back, they will need to pay for the damage it caused, as well as the costs to collect and store it. Even then it may take some time for all the paperwork to go through. (If you don't want to abide by the laws of backwards little jurisdictions, then you should not go there in the first place)
  20. The ability to cook is probably more telling than the lack of metals. In addition to killing off things that will make you sick, cooking food breaks it down so that it is easier to digest and more energy/nutrition can be extracted with less effort on digestion. This extra energy is important for sustaining things like a large brain with high-energy demands , and also lets us out-compete other animals without being more specialized than they are because we get more energy per unit of food consumed.
  21. CKAN is cautious by default, but 1.4.* are all compatible with 1.4, o just tell CKAN that your install is 1.4 compatible and it will let you install. The alternative is manually installing the mod(which I think is usually the recommended method in any case)
  22. Tell CKAN that your install is compatible with 1.4 (which it is), and you will be able to install anything that is compatible with 1.4 or later(I have heard there are a few mods that specifically refuse to work if the version is not a 100% match, but MKS and GC are not among those)
  23. I believe the part you want is the nuclear fuel plant: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki/Parts-(Tundra-Series)#mks-tundra-nuclear-fuel-plant This will both reprocess spent fuel and process urinite ore.
  24. To start with, a diffraction grating will polarize the light going through it, and absorb any light that is polarized perpendicular to the direction it polarizes. This means if you have two of them you can rotate them so that either most of the light passes through, or none of the light passes through. And if you put them at the 'nothing passes through' orientation, adding a third in the middle that is 45 degrees between them, will mean light gets through again. As far as I understand Bells theorem, they basically entangled some particles and sent them through diffraction gratings. On one side they would have them turned to block all light, and on the other side they would have the one at 45%, letting some light through. If the 45% grating was present in beam B, then beam A would get through the 'block all light' gratings, but if it was not in beam B, all of beam A would get blocked. This proved that it could not be a hidden variable, because they were both still interacting in some way. (I think I have the exact details of the experiment wrong because this approach would allow communicating at faster than light speeds if it worked, but something like that)
  25. I believe the current functionality only has 2 GC parts and a few USI-MKS parts with the GC Workshop attribute. I believe the USI-MKS workshop parts are at 300% and can fit 2-4 engineers, while the GC parts are 100% and the mobile workshop vehicle part can hold 12 engineers(have not looked at the GC parts since the second workshop part was added though). While vessels can be made into mobile workshops by incorporating one or more of those parts, other parts can only be made into workshop parts with a MM script or by manually adding the tag to the part file.
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