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Everything posted by Terwin

  1. You need a consumer for a given resource to automatically draw, and a workshop may not count as a consumer, especially if it is not currently working. Also, if the vessel is not in physics range, transfers and other processes are only done every 6 hours for catch-up processing(RoverDude wrote the catch-up code for ISRU, then just referenced it for MKS, so it is just using the stock behavior).
  2. Now for the big question: Will SQUAD provide a combined DLC package for those that have purchased all (to-date) DLC on the KSP(and possibly GOG) store? May not be needed yet with only 2 DLC, but more than that might start to get tedious to install one at a time after each new release for those of us not on steam. Question: will all of the surface science be strictly time related, or will some of them be event related? Example: the real seismic sensors on the moon don't provide a lot of data on their own, but get loads of data from each impact, especially from well-known impactors like spent stages. I could see scenarios like: 'now that I have seismic sensors deployed on 3 [distinct biomes| 90 degree separated regions] I need three impactors each in the sub-ton, 1-10 ton, and 10+ ton weight ranges. One at low speeds (<100m/s) one a mid-speed (100m/s to 2km/s) and one high speed (> 2km/s) to get all available science from this body' being valid and potentially quite challenging. (how do you impact Eve at > 2km/s without burning up? tall/clipped ore stack with lots of stacked heat shields? With separators at the last minute to split the 500kg, 2 ton, and 20 ton stacks?)
  3. According to: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intercontinental_ballistic_missile#/media/File%3AIcbm-hist-en.png 6287-6297 land-based ICBMs have been deployed as of the end of 2014(with ~ 801-811 deployed at the end of 2014) According to http://www.planet4589.org/space/lvdb/index.html 70780 launches. The launches include 5741 orbital launch attempts, 28500 suborbital launches, and 36539 endoatmospheric flights. So looks like slightly(~10%) more ICBMs than orbital launches, but far(~4.5x) more suborbital launches than ICBMs. At this scale, the 14 reused boosters by Space X have much impact on the numbers, but this also counts every deployed ICBM even if it was never launched, but this does not cound rockets that were built but never launched(like those 2 Saturn 5's we still have here on earth)
  4. It probably has a lot more to do with portable processing power and relative costs. The ability to handle a vertical landing requires real-time reactions to undesirable changes in altitude latitude and longitude, with high precision when operating at often super-sonic speeds. On top of that, you need the driving interest to be cost/profit related, which generally means corporate rocket programs. If no company/private citizen is willing/able to invest in developing their own rocket program, then you will not have a cost-driven program with a vested interest in re-use. You notice that after the technical advancement and financial success of the .com boom, we got multiple companies working on this problem all at about the same time.
  5. You would need parts with access to the planetary warehouse. In MKS that means logistics modules, manned logistics modules if you want to pull from the PW. I believe you also need warehouse enabled parts for holding the actual resources. As far as I am aware, you can add the needed modules to stock (or mod) parts, but without that you will need the MKS parts as the planetary warehouse does not work without the modules.
  6. Nearly everyone alive today has experience with knowing more about computers than their parents, and generally more than anyone who died more than 50 years before they were born. This can easily lead to an arrogance that dismisses accumulated knowledge form the past, especially with so much more data being generated these days than in the past.(making it harder to distinguish real break-throughs form pseudoscience ones) Also, in the US, infant mortality is higher than other places in part because every infant born with a heart-beat is counted as a live birth, even when they have congenital defects that prevent long-term survival(such as my nephew who was born with his heart hooked up wrong, and a big hole between the halves of his heart. After several open-heart surgeries he died at an age of ~7 days. In the US he counts as a live birth, in many other countries he would not) As I recall, the outcry was over trace amounts of mercury as part of a preservative. Even though it was in a in a non-bio-available form. Since then, vaccine makers have changed to other preservatives that have no mercury at all in them.(mostly to avoid bad press I suspect) Vaccines are like a speak-and-spell or stranger-danger class for the immune system, they help to teach it about some of the bad things it needs to watch for and how to deal with them when it encounters them. Personally I think it is neglectful to avoid teaching a child to read, as that is a necessary skill to operate in our modern society. In the same vein I think it is harmful to avoid teaching a child's immune system how to read/defeat illnesses that have been proven to cause major problems when allowed to proliferate.(where such lessons/vaccines are available and effective at least) The only way the immune system would be 'made stronger' though a lack of vaccination would be if those with weak immune systems die off without being able to procreate. But human society is moving too quickly for evolutionary processes(which take generations) to have much of an effect, so we need to teach our bodies how to be better at dealing with issues they care not well equipped to cope with(like pandemics). *IF* schools were divided, as well as other areas of mass public interactions(sports events, movie theaters, plays, etc), then you would have a point. They are not divided, and so if your child is not immunized, they place my child at greater risk. (immunization is not 100% and sufficient exposure can still overwhelm the trained immune response, especially when the immune system is already taxed by other factors such as lack of sleep, nutrition, or other illnesses) When I was a child, you were not let into elementary/primary school without proof of being vaccinated.(I think they also offered free/low-cost vaccinations). To be part of a society, there are certain duties and obligations towards that society. Part of that obligation is to do your part to limit destructive influences. This includes washing your hands after using the bathroom or handling other infectious materials, staying home when you are contagious, and other reasonable methods of disease control.
  7. Dark Matter and Dark Energy are two, distinct holes in our understanding of physics. Dark Matter helps galaxies stay together better than they should. We have lots of evidence that it is not black holes or other baryonic matter(ie matter made of protons, neutrons, and electrons), and we have lots of other information telling us what the edges of this hole look like, but we do not really know what is inside this hole of our understanding. Dark Energy is sort of the opposite, as it causes the universe to keep expanding an an accelerating pace, including increasing the space between galaxies. We also have information about how this hole in our understanding is shaped, but not what is in it.
  8. The advantage is you can carry less weight, as you are using some oxygen which is not being carried(and accelerated) on your rocket. Due to the rocket equation, less weight is a major benefit, and using atmospheric oxygen(and general atmosphere for reaction mass) is what allows airplanes to have more than ten times the ISP of rockets. ( > 8000 vs 400-500) (see the chart here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specific_impulse )
  9. From the KSP store, you are probably limited to downloading a fresh copy and extracting form the .zip file(unless you held on to your old .zip file like I generally do, then you can skip the download step)
  10. Why not? Tesla moved car production to tents. They might just be waiting for their over-sized tent order to arrive so that weather is less annoying. Touchy composites need practically a clean-room environment for best results, but stainless steel is fine getting rained on. Just because something can be brought into a tight tolerance, does not mean it is not precise, it just means it is forgiving if it leaves tolerance and needs to be brought back in.
  11. In ckan you can set the compatible versions. This shows exactly where to go: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/wiki/User-guide#choosing-compatible-game-versions So if you check off 1.7, 1.6, and 1.5, you can install all of your 1.5 and later mods. I think there are only one or two mods that check the KSP version themselves, so for most cases that is all you need to do. But be sure to make a back-up of your save file if you are updating in-place.(I prefer to just copy the save file into the new KSP directory, as that guarantees the old version keeps working just as it is)
  12. It took me a bit to realize that the original question is relating to paint-jobs/textures. Is the OP not aware that many of the parts now have multiple different paint options? (I believe the orange tank is still an option) Also, almost all of the parts have a paint-job taken from some real craft, so from that perspective, it has always been fairly realistic(paint-job wise). Personally, I have never considered the paint-jobs to be relevant as far as realism/silliness, and if I want to be ridiculous, I would get one or more of the 'Silly' mods, like the one that has parts modeled after parts of a burger (I think tomato slices are wheels for example).
  13. Which version are you using? The recently released 1.7 should have substantially improved the bouncy-wheels issue.
  14. It is almost like you are trying to remove the bits where either bugs or the KSP engine cause the most problems... Hmm, so it sounds like we will still have a mechanic like the engineer/scientist bonuses. If there is no interaction with colonization bonuses, will there be any reason to add Colonists to a base(as opposed to Engineers, Scientists, Pilots, or other specialists)? Will W.O.L.F. allow real-time tracking of Life support/Habitation requirements without needing to visit each base? (Will life support timers still be a thing in W.O.L.F., or will it just not be possible to add a kerbal to a base without enough available LS to keep them alive?) If we can transport Kerbals, does that mean crew rotations to reset kerbal home timers? How will Kerbal transport(presumably a 1 time thing) compare to resource transport(presumably a recurring/continuous thing)? Are you expecting to use a variable 'dummy mass'/designated cargo components or just assume some fraction of the arrival mass is useful cargo space? That makes it sound like you can you use W.O.L.F. to produce additional components for your base(s). That makes me think of manufacturing bases on the Mun and Minmus pumping out drills and hab spaces that get shipped out to Ike, Duna, and beyond... Could you produce an entire new depot in W.O.L.F. or will there be a 'seed' which always comes from Kerbin? Will there be an ability/need to pop the seed out in a hopper for transport to the new biome? Will it be possible to deploy a vessel from a hopper(perhaps a rover or rocket with a new depot seed to deliver)? This gives me visions of 'depot clusters' where you plop your first depot near several biomes and just use solar powered rovers to deploy new depots and generate trade routes. (Presumably solar powered rovers can make inter-base transport 'nearly free' on a given planetary body, at least if you drive carefully.) Exciting stuff, looking forward to it!
  15. So... I deliver mining equipment to a W.O.L.F. depot for a permanent increase in available resources from that biome(up to the limit of what is present), which can then be shipped to whichever location has need of it... No more redeploying and restarting drills because of an on-load bounce, no more 'Where can I stick this solar panel so it gets sun without getting in the way', no more 'does this mining platform have all of the container types I need', no more making a tour of mining platforms before visiting a colony to avoid running out a a crucial resource? Very cool. I presume 'mining supplies' includes power, drills and radiators? Will nuclear powered depots be possible and will they need refueling? (assuming MKS power plants) Is the depot collection/conversion rate expected to be influenced by colonization bonuses? Is there a plan to have W.O.L.F. converters to produce non-raw materials for transport across the W.O.L.F. network? Any information available on how transport costs will be calculated/paid? If a hopper is destroyed, are any resources allocated to it permanently lost?
  16. If click and hold auto-fires repeat clicks then that breaks the attempt to drag a small amount where it may be a few moments of the button held down before you pass the threshold to start the drag. Also, if you have auto-click on hold then that either constantly increases so long as you are dragging something, or you are at risk of auto-click disabling because of an accidental tiny drag adjustment. Generally it is better from a UI design prospective to only have one click-and-hold behavior at a time, as trying to have multiple functions will only cause erratic and unexpected behaviors. Perhaps you can advocate for a setting to allow either auto-click or drag behavior on hold? If the behavior is determined by a setting, then you don't have to worry about having the computer read your mind on which one you want to use this time.
  17. I have generally used a core 'seed' base and then used Ground Construction to make new parts that I then attach using KAS. Before that I used the other construction mod suggested for use with MKS(EPL?) to make parts that I then attached with KAS. Also, the 1.7 fix to reduce hopping of landed craft(and bases) seems promising to make large single-piece based more feasible without needing to worry about attachment-point creep(where parts spontaneously un-align themselves when you load up the base, even when anchored) (I have had ground bases with more than half a dozen large hab-wheels and several 3.5m nuclear reactors from time to time, so I am all for large single-piece bases)
  18. That video almost makes it look like one of your other mods is somehow juggling the kerbals in and out of their station somehow to constantly refresh the hab timer. Have you been able to reproduce the behavior with just USI mods installed? ( try creating a new game on a fresh copy of KSP with only USI mods, use the stock orbit editor to throw a similar location around a similar body and see if it still happens.) If the error is still happening, then post here and on the USI git-hub( https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/USI-LS/issues ) with as many details as possible. If the behavior does not happen in a USI-only instance, you can try adding your mods one at a time until you figure out which one causes the problem. Once you know which mod is causing the problem, you can post that information both here(warning others, and asking if anyone has found a work-around) and on the thread for that mod(asking much the same, plus if anyone knows why that might be happening) If all of that is too much trouble, the only other option is to post a list of your mods and ask if any of them have known conflicts. (Scansat, KER, and Kerbal alarm clock have not given me any troubles with USI-LS, but I don't recognize any of your other mods from just the screen-shots)
  19. Looks kind of like your scientists have been away from Kerbin for a couple hundred days(total hab value of 1y 228 days with 1 yr 15d left before homesickness), with a recent vessel change/eva to 'stretch their legs' (1 day ago for the first and 5 days ago for the second) . The station itself looks to be slightly more than 1 crew rotation old(1 year 270 days). Can you say how long you time-warped without the timers going down? (a day is 6 hours) Is the Home timer going down correctly?(it looks like it is, assuming these kerbals left home ~ 200 days ago))
  20. Very cool, I have been watching eagerly for an Atlas/Domes announcement. Any idea if the beta and/or release is expected to be in days, weeks or months?
  21. The Hab-timer is sort of a cabin-fever type of issue, and if the Kerbal gets a change of scenery(even an EVA) that can help alleviate the effects. The Home timer deals with home-sickness and is based on the 'best' accommodations a kerbal has experienced since leaving Kerbin. This cannot be alleviated with an EVA. If you have a colonization module is active(and consuming colony supplies) on a vessel then that will pause, and even reverse, both the hab and home timers up to their maximum values. This is assumed to be consuming luxury resources(high quality 'real' foods and other recreational supplies like books or computer games) to alleviate the long-term discomfort and problems of space-flight. Also, your log is not accessible.
  22. I think asteroids use the stock drill for harvesting, and if I remember correctly, you do not scan them, you just start harvesting. I suspect that once you start harvesting you should have an idea of what is in the asteroid.
  23. For the same reason it can't RTLS: it has already used pretty much all of it's fuel. I also suspect that refueling at sea is also less safe then welding the feet down.
  24. I do not think Starship will be sufficiently stable with only 2 legs...
  25. Eventually? Yes. Do you want to wait that long? I doubt it. We are talking about forces that make ion drives seem over-powered. Things like the difference in the amount of gravitational force you feel from the sun while standing on the second story of a house at noon as opposed to the first story of the same house at noon. It would probably be faster to make the parts of the vessel that should face the sun black and the parts that should not, shiny. That way the sunlight will bounce off the shiny parts(imparting more force) and be absorbed by the black parts(imparting less force). Or even better, set up a small solar-sail and have it pull on the part that is supposed to face away from the sun.
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