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Everything posted by Helmut

  1. This is a next version of Russian translation of stock parts KSP 1.1.3. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/5RZk/Nxskf2AyQ
  2. Wow! Unicode is now working everywhere. Will update the framework for the new KSP 1.1?
  3. I redid all my filters are more optimal way. Problems have no been observed.
  4. Thank you. I download and try to do it all over again. If there are problems, I will write. PS: By the way, the removal of categories created by other mods, it may be less necessary if the FilterExtensions will be able to manage the contents of them. Depending on what is easier to do. PPS: Although the replacement space on the '?' It has long been used, probably also the exchange underscores not cause new inconveniences. In any case, thank you.
  5. Somehow, after installing this mod, I started having problems after starting the game. The first out of the hangar to the launch pad leads somewhere high in the sky. If you cancel the flight and try again - then everything will be fine.
  6. Yes, it looks like the truth. But the replacement names in cfg can be a problem. Some of the names are used in several cfg (as a function of checking other mods, for example). If they are many, will not be easy to track each. In addition, if moduleName fails for the same reason, then there is nothing to do.
  7. Кстати, по случаю обновил свой вариант русификатора стоковых деталей для KSP 1.0.5. Переводить старался максимально близко к оригиналу. Постарался максимально сохранить фирменный инженерный юмор. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/GkzR/nAYFhVZjW
  8. Ok. I recheck on a clean game. FilterExtension is installed "from the box". Other mods are tested in rotation. For example: USI Kolonization Systems (MKS/OKS) (0.31.12) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79588 File MK3_Akademy.cfg. Part name = MK3_Akademy. Filter 'type = name; value = MK3_Akademy' does not work to remove from the category of "Science" with 'invert = true'. And it does not work to adding to the category "Engines" (or other). Filter 'type = title; value = UKS Training Akademy' works fine. Most of the other parts in this mod works similarly. In other mods too. It is not a conflict of filters. If you remove all filters and categories from FilterExtension (that's what I did, then to do as I like), the result will be exactly the same. PS: bug with filter 'type = moduleName' is not found now, maybe it was in the old version. Or I do not remember where I saw it. If I see one more time - I say.
  9. Yes, of course, I'm talking about the part name. Filter 'type = title' works fine. And 'type = name' and 'type = moduleName' work well with stock parts, but the mods works with 50%. In 50% of cases ordinarily ignore the target. I have found no relation. But most of the parts available to me, I was able to move only a 'type = title', other methods have not worked. Although, when you want to move only one item, it would be logical to specify a name. Otherwise you have to write additional filters to eliminate unnecessary details that match the title.
  10. Well, I would hope ) By the way, the filter 'type = name' still works strange. With some mods works, with some - not.
  11. Yeah, I really wanted to do it. As a result, I have just downloaded the source of USI_Tools, KIS and InfernalRobotics mods and removed the function that creates subcategories 'Robotic Parts', 'Eva Items', 'Freight' and 'Kolonization'. But it is very bad and inconvenient way. It would be nice to do it somehow easier. If you need it, here my edited USITools.dll v0.5.4 without creating unnecessary categories 'Freight', 'Kolonization', 'Rover' e.t.c. Do not forget to fix the parts cfg 'category = none' to something else.
  12. I forgot to put it. If it's someone else interested. Here, an upgraded version of the Russian translation for KSP 1.0.5. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/GkzR/nAYFhVZjW
  13. I tried it. Part is turned upside down, but it remains red.
  14. No. I'm doing everything the same way as on the planet, but the item is red and says "this node cannot be used for surface attach!". PS. To the asteroid already docked ship with 'Advanced Grabbing Unit'.
  15. Is there any possibility to establish a 'Ground base' (kis_concreteBase1) not only on the planet surface? I would also like to set on the asteroid surface for build refueling station.
  16. I can not get this to work. If I write FilterRemove { remove = Kolonization } then in the game will be only one category 'Kolonization'. Deletes all the others, except this.
  17. Probably. Just because of the fact that the 'name' does not work, I did not see it in their work. All other filters to exclude would give an extra result.
  18. I now testing different ways. 'name' works with stock parts, but does not work with mods. Still, it remains impossible to transfer part of the stock category to the custom (stock parts too). When written FILTER item appears in a new category and remains the stock. If you write 'category = none', it either disappears altogether (for example, written 'title'), or the game freezes on startup (for example, written 'moduleName'). Generally, with the parts from mods it is extremely unstable. From 'Kethane Mod Pack' no option is able to take a generator. In other cases, the game often crashes. If you want, I can even test and write exactly what is happening in different situations. Thank you.
  19. 'type = path' is works good, 'type = name' is not working. I remember, before there was a problem with the 'category = none' in the parts cfg, but I have tried all ways, nothing works. Use the title is not useful in my case. Firstly, it is difficult to choose only what you need, and nothing more. Secondly, the game freezes at startup if the titles on Unicode and subcategories.cfg on Unicode too. And please answer, how to remove subcategories created by other mods?
  20. How to do it? Sorry, it was my error. But still there is a problem with 'type = name' in 'StockRework\Subcategories.cfg'. I want to create a category 'Electrical' and move the relevant parts here. SUBCATEGORY { name = Electrical icon = ElectricCharge FILTER { CHECK { type = path value = Squad/Parts/Resources/FuelCell } } FILTER { CHECK { type = path value = Squad/Parts/Electrical } } FILTER { CHECK { type = name value = kethane_generator } } FILTER { CHECK { type = name value = KA_Generator_02 } } } 'kethane_generator' and 'KA_Generator_02' is no work. In addition, it is possible to write simpler? For example, 'value = Squad/Parts/Electrical; Squad/Parts/Electrical' and 'value = kethane_generator, KA_Generator_02'. I tried different ways, nothing works.
  21. Hi. Mod is now a lot better. Special thanks for the switch "default to advanced mode". I have two questions: Is it possible to work with sub-categories created by other mods? For example, KIS, KAS and USI Kolonization. To move an item from the standard category, or remove from it. Is it possible to use a filter on the contrary, to exclude the item from the category? In some mods 'category = none' does not help, probably, the item in the desired category is placed by the script. PS: I did not get to use 'type = check' to select multiple conditions. This only works if set separately 'FILTER {CHECK{...}} FILTER {CHECK{...}}'.
  22. Updated Russian translation of all stock parts from KSP 1.0.4. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/82Zv/KBzVaKc2G
  23. Yes, but additional cargobay shifts the center of mass. The same applies to the placement under the wings.
  24. VTOL engines it is very interesting. I built myself a nuclear-powered VTOL flying laboratory, but in version 1.0.4 engines began to explode when the "Toggle Hover". In addition, it is not enough any electric propeller to control yaw by RCS. I do not want to put extra fuel tanks on the atomic plane. Thrust vector control is made of "Infernal Robotics" mod.
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