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Everything posted by Helmut

  1. Is it possible, in principle, the creation of full-featured user categories? For example, cfg specify: name = newcategory title = My Custom Category icon = smile.png And if cfg any part write "category = newcategory", it is automatically placed in the right category? Given that the number of mods becomes much, and many of them are worthy of installation, such events would have been very relevant and promising.
  2. It would be very good. Advanced Filter requires not very often, and each time have to close. To free up space on the screen (monitor 4:3). In addition, when you create a custom category (file Categories_FilterbyFunction) somehow does not work filter by part ID (type = name). Most importantly, in the custom category does not place the parts with category = none, because the whole point of what is lost. Let me explain: I wanted to create a separate category and move all parts from the mod MKS and several others to unload cluttered stock category "Utility". It is logical that it takes to make a fix as "@PART [MK3_Akademy] {@category = none}, so that they no longer appear in the categories of utility, structural e.t.c.
  3. How to disable the advanced mode filters by default, return simple mode at the entrance to the hangar?
  4. This is a Russian translation of all stock scientific reports from KSP 1.0.2. It makes no sense to translate more until there is no support for Unicode. I do not know how to translate service messages and menus when i have no way to test it in the game. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/M6G4/uwqLFfT4x
  5. It is a pity. I do not like FAR, but the Trajectories would like to use. I'll wait for stock aerodynamics.
  6. By the way, where can I find the original English text with the description of celestial bodies?
  7. Yes, I certainly will look, when I have a little more time.
  8. If anyone interested, here is my own Russian translation of all stock parts from KSP 1.0.2. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/2tFNHJcPfmA7/KSP-1.0.2-RUS.rar
  9. Also need to review the parts included in the mod. For example, the "KE-S110 Medium Survey Unit" is now possible to attach a rocket to the face-down only.
  10. Thank you, it works fine. This is better than using decoupler between the docking ports.
  11. Why not work docking ports? If the connected parts launched from surfage, they can not be separated in space. They can not break even the most powerful engines.
  12. No, the first design, with sunlight, was more interesting. Unfortunately, it does not work at KSP 0.90. Really miss beautiful and interesting greenhouses. If anyone besides me interested in this, I fixed this mod for the KSP 0.90 and TAC 0.10.2. Now everything works. Unfortunately, I could not make the loss of "stored" light in the dark for more realism. All methods known to me incorrect work during timewarp. So I did not add this feature. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/115924838fe2/Infinitech_TAC_greenhouse_v0.2.0_fixed.rar
  13. I misunderstood something? The description says: "The netherdyne construction drone allows users of Extraplanetary Launchpads to build bases and stations with "robots" before sending a crew up." If not, why would he want to Extraplanetary Launchpads?
  14. Construction Drone does not work. No menu for construction. What he lacks? Extraplanetary Launchpads is installed and works fine. MKS launchpad, if installed, also works. Also, if I choose the menu "Deactivate Construction", menu does not appear to "Activate". After deactivating, it is impossible to make it work again.
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