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Everything posted by Zucal

  1. Zucal


    Pulsar? Supernova?
  2. Well, looks like I'm the odd one out!
  3. I'm still using intakes, it doesn't add that much. How are you doing it?
  4. So everyone should download a mod just so navigating the menu is easier? I'm not suggesting this for myself, but for the game. There's already the Add-on request forum for that.
  5. I've noticed that in recent updates parts have been added, but there's hasn't been any reorganization of where in the menu they go. This makes for a cluttered and unintuitive VAB, which no one wants. In particular I'm talking about the Utility tab, which isn't dedicated to anything specific and has 3 pages of parts. To reduce that number, I suggest adding a tab for parts that produce and consume electricity. I am aware that you can make your own custom tabs, but those are harder to navigate to and not everyone knows they exist. -Lights (2 parts) -Fuel cells (2 parts) -Solar panels (6 parts) -Batteries (5 parts) This would also make creating ion-powered craft much easier, and get 15 parts out of the Utility tab.
  6. Not sure, the MTV won't be finished for a few days. Question: I assume the large rectangular panels on the DTV are solar panels, but could they be radiators?
  7. This will make my MTV look so much better. Holy cow. I wish stock had symmetry up to 50
  8. Yes. People use them because they make great structural parts because they are long and inflexible, so you can use one booster instead of 10 structural fuselages and such. Besides, you can empty the fuel out of them so they can't fire.
  9. No, I meant I've been using this exact design for weeks. The OP showed it off on the KSP subreddit a while ago, and he kindly gave me a download
  10. Ohmigod I just discovered the editor extensions mod. Is anyone else using it? IT'S GODDAMN AMAZING
  11. Y'know, my full size Ares I might work now. My SLS will be quite good too.
  12. No, the issue I had was with the VAB. When I entered it with my 1.0.2 save transferred, part tabs were gone, the UI was junked up, you couldn't load or edit anything, etc. I had no career save, just a sandbox or two for making crafts, so I just had to transfer the craft files over which worked.
  13. Zucal


    Magnetism? Light? A black hole?
  14. Game buggy. Saves broken. Radiators good for building. -end transmission-
  15. Wow, the new patch is glitchy for me. That's life with OSx, I guess.. Testing new tricks for the MTV.
  16. I've shown her off elsewhere on the forums, but here you are
  17. I was unfortunately occupied taking care of this newly-adopted lil' guy.
  18. Some neighbors a few blocks away found her hiding in a bush, covered in fleas and dirt. They took her in and cleaned her up, then asked around if anyone wanted her. Well, I guess we did! Her name is Hobbes, bonus points if you can guess why. I probably won't be able to play KSP as much, but that's probably a good thing
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