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Everything posted by Squiggsy

  1. thanks a lot! haha i nearly did the same thing, I was building this thing like "this is never going to work, why am I even doing this" and then tested it and IT NEARLY WORKED (I must admit it look me about 5 tries to get this to work, although in actual fact once i changed the winches around I managed it first time) definitely need to try more stuff like this in future, KIS actually didn't glitch too horrendously while I was doing it (its a miracle!)
  2. Part 9 of my challenge is up! and I had a LOT of fun making a crane to get the Banzai! out of the sea and onto the ice caps...
  3. hahaha you are right of course, I Just can't help feeling keeping that ballanced attached to a plane is going to be near enough impossible, it'll have to be 45m long to get a 45 degree angle slope, might still test out trying to air lift one, i'll post pics when I do Edit: well here's what I'm trying at the moment it's horrendous but it kinda works - - - Updated - - - it can be a headache, but yes it is so useful for a journey like this. the problem with it is that it seems the more items you attach/remove from a craft the more it builds up physics lag. while I'm focused on the Banzai! after i've messed around with KIS time moves much slower than beforehand. sometimes even if all I've done is remove stuff. ohh looking forward to the entry! I considered taking a detour over to those mountains but I decided to go down the mountain pass with the river in the bottom (it's in the opposite direction to the monolith) Ishould be doing a relatively big update of my story today too since I haven't done one for the last couple of days and LOTS has happened EDIT: just drove past the South Pole and all my wheels exploded and the thing flipped out madly, it seems the Kraken operates at the poles...
  4. Meh I managed it! I used two towers off to the side, one by the cliff one further back, once the banzai! had been pulled up by the crane I attached it to the winch by the cliff edge and pulled it over that way, then attached the winch further back to a point further up the banzai! and used that to pull it over the edge and onto land, using the cliff edge as a sorta pivot to get it angled right. all worked really well in the end! we are back on our way I didn't want to do SRB's even though I considered it because I kinda felt like it was breaking the rules of the challenge a bit to propulse myself upwards with a rocket, felt too much like flying, but the structural panels is a good idea, i could have just loaded them up in containers and built it on site so it would have been easier to transport, in fact I might do that to get down on the other side so thanks for that suggestion!
  5. Ok this mod may have its quirks and drive me nuts sometimes, but really it allows you to do the coolest stuff, just pulled my "rover" that i'm using for the elcano challenge up out of the water and onto the southern Ice Caps using a crane and a winch and managing it was the most satisfying thing ever: seriously thank you for putting so much time and effort into this mod, it's a great deed you have done, and it's saved me taking a 1000km detour!
  6. awesome mod! I'm doing the Elcano Challenge at the moment and this and KIS have saved on multiple occasions with repairs. I have encountered a problem though, I am building a crane to lift my craft up the ice cap and it seems the Ground Bases and Ground Pylons don't actually attach to the ground, is this supposed to be the case? They make the noise of something being attached, but if I run at them with a kerbal they still flip and move just like any other part on the floor that isn't attached, And if I put a little bit of weight on the winch the whole thing just kinda falls over...
  7. hahaa oh go on then since you asked I will that won't be until tomorrow though, to be honest I think the thing has a TWR of more than 1 so I might even be able to do some crazy propulsive landing in the sea! that would be incredible EDIT: everything is set up for the crane now! Going to use the crane to get them up, then attach the winches that Hermes is next to to it and pull it over onto land, then release it and drive off (hopefully anyway, I'd put a bet on this not happening but the odds would be so poor there'd be no point) edit again: hahaha all's going well at least I got it up the top right? right??? I need to work on this a bit more I think before I can get this to work, but it WILL WORK and i think its the most awesome thing i've done on KSP
  8. that is a great idea for the way down! but I'm talking about the way up, the only other way up requires a detour that would just take too long, it would be stupendous, and this sounds more entertaining so I'm going to test the idea, see if it's at all viable, and if it is then go ahead with it, if not then i'll just go for the detour
  9. The Sparrowhawk has identified a problem.... The whole of the Southern Ice Caps is surrounded by a 32-35m high vertical icy cliff face. Can anyone guess how I'm going to work around this? I'll give you a clue, it has something to do with KIS and KAS and a lot of ground pylons... it's time to build a winch...
  10. wheey welcome to the challenge you take a screenshot with F1
  11. yeah I also used to be of the opinion that long distance rovering was for people suffering some madness or masochism. but now this has been so much fun I'm starting to plan where I'm going to circumnavigate next I'm considering making some custom parts to get the look I want from my craft for it and everything... edit: just named a plateu I reached during what will hopfully be my only mountainous stretch of my journey after your Vacuous in celebration of your completion
  12. Congratulations!!! that is a truly impressive journey I hope you enjoyed it
  13. Part 8 of my journey is up, I had a lot of fun riding a damaged Banzai! but in the end the going was getting too treacherous and it had to be decommissioned. and so we have a new Banzai! with a slightly lowered CoG and some minor tweaks.
  14. The old Banzai! became too dangerous to drive over the rough terrain I was coming across, a new one is on the way but my god it is a pain to fly added Karbonite to my modlist although it's not being used for the Banzai! itself you might have noticed that it is a bit wider and lower, I spread the pontoons out a bit more to give it a lower center of mass and a wider stance so it hopefully won't flip again. also I did end up taking your suggestion Starwhip and addeda few ait intakes, it was sitting so low in the water once I had moved the pontoons so it needed to be done, removed some parts to ballance out the part gain (some struts and the airbrakes) and also added some more reaction wheels to help me keep heading at sea EDIT: hahahahahahah well that was close EDIT again: just reached the badlands and took my favorite surface sample!
  15. yes the ground was pretty rough up there, that's where i lost one of the steerable wheels on a sharp peak of a hill. lovely area though in terms of views though! The reason why I haven't is because of part count, my CPU is a quad core 2.9ghz, which normally is pretty acceptable, not good by any means, but I get by with pretty much any game I play, however since the version of PhysX KSP uses can't process on more than 1 core (or 2 I forget) it ends up being majorly useless when it comes to part count on vehicles, so everything has been designed to cut the part count down to make my journey less laggy, its funny though because I finally experienced playing in full green-time (no dilation) after the Banzai! got wrecked, enough parts got removed that the game ran smooth for once, I'm really quite enjoying it can't wait for 1.1, this will finally cease being such an issue.
  16. ahah! thank you sir although in the end I found decent looking ones in novapunch and just scaled them up, but I will bear those ones in mind for future
  17. Hey, love this pack, but I was wondering, the Honeybadger in those pics has nice big ol landing legs, but they are not in the pack, I was wondering what mod they were from? stock legs just aren't big enough!
  18. yeah this was my reasoning, if I had tried to carry on I would have done a complete "nope!" and never returned to the project, if I take a break, have a laugh, and then return I will finish it off and hopefullycome up with some good ideas in the process for expansion (im thinking atmospheric drone expansion right now, little electric powered firespitter 'copter using intake atmosphere and atmospheric sensor package, fly the thing around eve gathering science )
  19. really? that's odd when I tested it in my career mode it worked just fine... hmmmm... theres only one thing I can think of, and that is have you double and triple checked that the contract isn't also asking for a resource scanner to be on the satellite? its a long shot I know but its happened to me multiple times because the dang contract window is so tiny and I only skim-read contracts. I'll try and get on the copy of KSP with my career later and see if I have this same problem if not though, can't think why it wouldn't work though i'd assume the contracts just look for things with the right modules.
  20. Ok part 7 is up ! driving a half-wrecked Banzai! is really entertaining, looking on the bright side, with less wheels it turns a whole lot better! Edit: ITS WORKING, I don't know how, but I can still cross the water. ok so it's only going at 7m/s, but IT WORKS after some fiddling with the throttle a bit more, managed to get up to 10m/s . Sitting pretty low in the water though.... :\
  21. oh wow, yep that definitely looks like the spot! It seems this Banzai! is not going to be the one to make it down there though, it is no longer water-worthy and will have to be swapped out for a new one at some point before reaching that point. I'm currently updating the OP with Part 7 explaining what happened
  22. Tis but a scratch! (it still moves! I'm going to try and carry on until nightfall with the Banzai! like this.) I always fail to get screenshots when things go wrong because I'm too busy going "nononono please don't die please don't die" Edit: whoops just read your post and saw the "reading through 100 pages of posts to catch up can be worse than the challenge itself.", I keep posting in here instead of my own thread, sorry! Edit again: Slightly more on topic for the overall challenge, how do other people decide whether they are going to reload after a crash or deal with it and ship out a replacement? the rules are a bit vague on it, i just took "save/loads are ok" to mean you could just reload after any crash if you so wished, bit I've seen a lot of people shipping a new craft out after every accident. I personally decided that if I crashed as a result of a glitch or I crashed and everyone died, then I would reload (i've grown attached to my kerbals and having to go through all the effort of shipping a new craft out after a glitch that was not my fault would just make it frustrating) however if I crashed due to my own negligence and all crew survived then I would deal with it and ship out a new Banzai!
  23. Sorry for the lack of updates! I kinda realized I had spent a whole lot of time making these things and absolutely no time actually enjoying KSP, so I decided to take a break and start the Elcano challenge, however I didn't really consider just how time consuming that would end up being, once I have finished it I will finish off some bits for this until I am ready to release it, then take a break again and come up with some new ideas for it.
  24. Nice start! you got that booster doing what Elon Musk wishes his would how do you get those technical drawings by the way? seen a few people use them but haven't found the source of them, or did you make them yourself?
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