Hi. Thanks for that contract pact!
I am playing KSP on moderate difficulty career mode and have some suggestions for improvement, especially concerning the rewards-balance compared to other contracts. I'm in the early-game, have not visited Mun and am grinding for building-upgrades. Amongst my mods are SETI with unmanned before manned and RemoteTech.
So far i did one CleverSat contract, setting up a satelite in an orbit around Kerbin with around 3'000km AP and PE (which was the contract with the lowest orbit available).
I now have contract-offers based on that satellite. One is "investigate malfunctioning Satellite". It pays only 16k and 2 prestige. This reward is extremely little compared to other contracts and the required effort. The other one is "Move a Satellite". I should bring it in an orbit with around 5'000km AP and PE, with a flying-direction that is the oposite of the current flying-direction. The fuel left in the satellite would not even be enough for changing the orbit to the new distances in the same direction. The reward is 27k and 1 prestige. I guess calculating possible orbits, taking account of left fuel in the satellite would be too complicated. But turning the flying direction of a satellite should reward more than 27k and 1 prestige, i'd had to haul quite a large tank with engine into that orbit to be able to turn it around later.
The "Put a new Satellite into orbit" rewards are ok, even though still less than i would get for other contracts requiring a rocket of the same weight and complexity (especially with the many very-high-orbit contracts).
It would be nice if the rewards would be balanced with other contracts, to make the CleverSat contracts more attractive.
Also more contracts with lower orbits and more contracts with standard inclination and excentricity would be nice in the early game.